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Old 02-04-2017, 08:14 AM   #59
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Originally Posted by boberocket View Post
I am new to the 986 forums and somewhat of a new Porsche owner. I found out after I purchased my 2000 Boxster S w/Tiptronic in the summer of 2015 that these engines had an IMS 'time bomb' in them. It has made me uncomfortable every since. I am a home mechanic and understand the concepts of most anything automobile related however I would like to ask for the opinions of those well experienced and/or trained in the automotive repair industry.

I have captured an image of my camshaft variance using the Durametric software and shared it with this thread. It is my hope that someone can help me understand what these numbers mean and if there is an IMS concern here. I am thankful for everyone's opinion.

The snapshot indicates the readings with the engine at an idle. I did rev the engine high a few times while logging and the numbers did not change for either camshaft more than 1/100th of a value. What I mean is the 8.47 value may have moved to 8.48 and the 7.59 value may have moved to 7.6. What do these values tell me about my camshaft tensioners and my IMS bearing?

Thank you

Steady cam deviation values are an indication that that the IMS is still healthy; but as the specs for this value are +/- 6 degrees, yours are out of spec, most likely due to severely worn chain pads that need to be replaced.
Anything really new is invented only in one’s youth. Later, one becomes more experienced, more famous – and more stupid.” - Albert Einstein
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