Originally Posted by KevinH1990
What are the brand and model of your lift?
DMS Lifts, it's a regional company based out of MO. Lots of local guys have them and are very happy.
Originally Posted by rick3000
Great looking car! Is it Guards Red, the first few pictures make it look almost orange? 
Yes, Guards Red. It looks great in person after a detail, the pictures are a little washed out.
Originally Posted by Topless
2003 is a good year, Enjoy Matt!
I went through a similar process with my 2.5L Boxster and got the street car weight down to about 2800 wet. That made a noticeable difference in performance of the car. Light weight seats and an AGM/LI Iron battery will probably shave another 100lbs.
Thanks, both are on my to-do list. I would love a nice set of more aggressive seats like a Recaro SRD.
Originally Posted by thstone
Great looking car and I like the concept!
My Spec Boxster currently weighs around 2,461 lbs with no fuel (close to 500 lbs lighter than a stock 986).
Entire car build is documented here (thanks for the shoutout Chuck!): http://986forum.com/forums/boxster-racing-forum/46070-spec-boxster-build.html
Also, the muffler you installed will give you a few extra horsepower at the high rpm (dyno results are in the link above) and removing the cat's and installing test pipes will definitely increase the SOUND LEVEL. I wear earplugs. 
Great info there, thanks!