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Old 08-07-2016, 12:07 PM   #7
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Join Date: Sep 2008
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There are a couple of easy things you can do that might help you figure out what's going on. When you say"Drippage from engine" , do you mean front of engine or back?

If front of engine, you can easily pull your seats forward and remove the carpet and firewall using a 10 mm socket wrench (and maybe a screwdriver to get carpet nuts lose).

Start the car and see if you see any water leaking from your water pump.

If rear of engine, check around the coolant tank and bleeder valve for signs of coolant. Pull your trunk carpet and check for coolant, which will indicate a leak from your coolant tank.

These steps might save you a couple of bucks when you take your car in as it will point your indy in the right direction.
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