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Old 08-01-2016, 08:46 PM   #7
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Location: Albuquerque, NM
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Originally Posted by Pdwight View Post
That is good info to know, somewhere I read the car had to be at least 32 inches off the floor.....very difficult without a lift
I'm doing this right now.... Lift? You don't need a lift lol. Out of every car I've worked on, the boxster is the easiest to drop the transmission. Hardest part was the exhaust bracket, because its soo close to the exhaust itself. After that was out, the rest came out within 10 minutes tops. Trans and all. A single Tripple Square bolt, 16 Allen head on the axles and the remaining bolts on the transmission and two motor mounts, simple! And the flat spot before the "Fin" under the transmission is the best spot to jack up.... Its completely level here. I did the entire job by myself within 30 minutes tops. Transmission came out and that was that.

I'm honestly shocked on how easy it is to work on a Porsche. I've built race cars, maintained everyday cars. I'm service manager at one of the largest parts stores in the country. And this is by far the funnest and easiest car to work on. I almost want to drop the motor, just to experience it.
2001 Porsche 986 Boxster RS2.7 Bi-Turbo
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