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Old 04-28-2016, 01:20 PM   #13
Motorist & Coffee Drinker
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The forum will not die but it will change... The age will drop to the mid 20's and late teens as the 944 forums have over the years
We'll see. I have noticed a lot of members that have moved on to other cars, yet keep coming back. Change is inevitable. I plan to keep a couple 986s around as long as they care to stay, but expect I'll migrate to a 987 as well. My guess is that this will remain the best Boxster forum and slowly gravitate to the newer (yet still old) cars.

As for moderators, for the most part the forum is self-cleansing. Landa, cats, street racing... When things get way out of hand, Wayne or one of his people do eventually lock or delete the bad threads. Looking at the post count and view count, the worst threads do attract the most attention. That "Submit Reply" button can be dangerous. Maybe they should add another button after that says, "Are You Sure?"
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