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Old 04-09-2015, 11:55 AM   #8
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After reading healthservices post, I though this might be a good spot to post a little more info.

Here's the PelicanParts Tip service DIY:
Pelican Technical Article: Changing Boxster Automatic Transmission Fluid - 986 / 987

A ZF 5HP service video from ZF. Not the best video, because the fill port is apparently on the side of their demo model (BMW?), rather than the bottom:

A better video, but on an Audi A4. It is pretty much identical to our version of the ZF 5HP19:

If you want to see an in-depth tear down of the transmission look for YouTube videos by "Jeff Richardson" (BMW version of the transmission)

Here's the manufacturer's parts catalog for the Porsche 5HP-19 FL. It has some good diagrams and the fill procedure:
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