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Old 03-20-2015, 10:15 AM   #11
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I've just searched some brake line manufacturer's websites, and you may have a point as some are listing their versions of it as a "DIN/ISO "bubble" style". All of the old bubble type fittings I am familiar with (found on Alfa, Fiat, etc.) the completely rounded bubble tube end either crushed or deformed the first time it was tightened, making it impossible to reuse, and was typically found only on soft alloy tubing. The DIN/ISO type has a 90 degree back angle rather than a curved surface, uses a special nut, does not deform unless seriously over tightened, is found only on hard steel (read difficult to shape or bend) tubing, and is used on many different manufacturers, including several US cars like the Corvettes.

As I mentioned previously, we put them back together all the time and have never had one leak.
Anything really new is invented only in one’s youth. Later, one becomes more experienced, more famous – and more stupid.” - Albert Einstein

Last edited by JFP in PA; 03-20-2015 at 10:34 AM.
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