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Old 04-09-2014, 03:07 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by Benjamin View Post
I'm totally devastated right now. I was in the process of pulling IMS bearing out of my engine to replace as well as install the DOF kit. The existing bearing is an LN dual row ceramic that was installed by the PO (at an indy shop) 8000 miles ago, and here is what I find:

There was about a cup of oil that came out from the IMS tube. I drained the oil several days ago, so it didn't come from the sump. I inspected the filter tonight and see a few metal specks in it, but nothing like what is in the IMS tube. I taped paper towels to the handle of my breaker bar and cleaned the inside of the tube several times like the barrel of a gun. Lots of small sparkles came out on each paper towel.

I'd like to believe the metal came from the IMS bearing because of the buildup on the seal. Anyone have any opinions? I have been looking at engine parts drawings to try and see if there is a ball type bearing at the other end of the shaft, and if so, how do I test it to see if the metal flakes were coming from that end? When the bearing was still installed, I could feel ever so slightly some play. Once it was removed I felt it again, then rotated it and couldn't feel it. Not a big surprise, but turning the bearing gives a slight "crunchy" sound.

What do I do next?
Are the metal bits ferrous (can they be picked up by a magnet)? Do you have a photo of the other side of the bearing?
Anything really new is invented only in one’s youth. Later, one becomes more experienced, more famous – and more stupid.” - Albert Einstein
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