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Old 09-04-2013, 05:47 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by tonycarreon View Post
we were going south on 95 thursday evening and there was a nice little speed trap set up. all 5 state troopers had picked off someone and were writing tickets within a mile-long stretch.

the worse part was it was right after a huge clog so they knew people were going to be pushing it when it thinned out some.
MD most insidious trick of late has been the mobile speed cameras, which they move around and hide well. Fortunately, two things are on your side for this one: The cameras are "the dog doesn't need the license, but the state needs the money" item, so the fines are low (around $40 for up to 20 MPH over) and there are no points. Second, many GPS systems now have software that is updated weekly with known locations for both speed and red light cameras, so you get a warning before you enter an area that has them. The worst place in the world currently for these ticket robots is DC, in many areas there are red light cameras at every intersection, and a speed camera in between each read light camera. Recently, I got detoured off I95 due to an accident and truck fire near DC, and my GPS stayed in constant camera alert for more than 20 min., right up until we got back on I95, and then we still hit the occasional speed camera there as well.
Anything really new is invented only in one’s youth. Later, one becomes more experienced, more famous – and more stupid.” - Albert Einstein
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