Central Locking System Problem
I know this is a common problem however I'm hoping someone might shed some light. I haven't been able to find a forum with my exact symptoms:
I've been driving the car all spring (1999 Boxster Base model) with no issues. The car is parked in the garage all the time and the floor under the drivers seat is always dry. As a side note the batteries in the keyless entry keys were dead when I bought the car and I've never replaced them and always use the valet key.
The other morning I went out to start the car and when I unlocked the drivers door (manually with the valet key) the lights didn't come on in the interior and the sound of the locking system unlocking didn't happen (usually when you unlock the drivers door the passenger door unlocks, the odometer lights up and the truck/hood unlocks. None of these things happened and the red light on the radio continued flashing. I got in the car and turned the key in the ignition. When I turned it to "ON" the instrument cluster lit up but when I turned it to start nothing happened. The engine didn't turn over.
I don't believe this is an ignition problem. I believe the Central Locking System is in "LOCK" mode which in turn is immobilizing the car. Is there a way to reset the Central Locking System? I have tryed using all my keys (2 regular and 1 valet) with the same results. I also changed the batterys in the other keys and attempted to link them (turning the keys in door while holding the unlock button) the CLS still won't deactivate. I believe because the system is locked its not allowing me to link my old keys.
I understand there are fuses in the area of the CLS. I haven't taken the seat out yet.... where is it? I also am wondering if the switch in the drivers door that recognizes that you've unlocked the car may not be working and thats the source of my problem.
Any suggestions from anyone that has had the same issue?