Originally Posted by Gilles
Not exactly what you are asking, but a better option IMHO
Why don't you remove the injectors and send it for a proper cleaning?
In the past I had used RC Engineering (about 4 times, different cars) and had excellent results, they clean the injectors on a ultrasonic tank with a solvent solution, back flow them and flow balance them.
Perhaps you can find a closer location that offers a similar service
You will end with a very smooth running engine, last time I paid about $22-24 per
Check them out at RC Fuel Injection
Injector cleaning and refurbishing firms typically do a fine job as long as they are good, and local, otherwise the car is tied up for several days, which is why they don’t work well for shop’s unless they are both very close and offer quick turn around. Otherwise it is usually cheaper to just replace the units with rebuilds or even new.