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Old 05-31-2010, 01:06 AM   #1
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Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Chicago, Illinois
Posts: 212
Unhappy Vandalized... :(

Its 4am, I just got home from my buddy's who lives 6 houses down from me. Somewhere between 2-3am my car was vandalized in his driveway.

To put short, my entire sound system was destroyed, the radio stolen, my ipod, watch, all stolen, my top was sliced like 3 or 4 times, every single panel and seat in the car was slashed and stabbed...... the sound system was insured for $3500 by itself... I'm guessing all the damage in total to be in the neighborhood of $7-10k

$7,000-$10,000 Dollars, I can't begin to believe it. Im glad I have a Zero dollar deductible, but we don't have rental on the car.

To make matters worse/better, Im due to leave for New Orleans for a week from the 6th-13th (road trip with my buddies) I can't wait to go now, but all the repairs and hassle of everything........

I will post pictures later today after I try and get some sleep. This still feels like a bad dream. It's ok if I cry, right?
My tombstone will read "I spent 90% of my money on women, cars, and booze. The other 10% I wasted."

Last edited by PlayersExpress; 05-31-2010 at 01:23 AM.
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