Marine surveyers knock on wood to find out if there is any dry rot. I don't need to find anymore rot on our sailboat, it has plenty already.
2000 S with 103,000 miles, just the usual stuff and a finicky 2nd gear shift which I hear is fairly typical for these years. Bought it a year and a half ago and put 7500 miles on it. Just did my first DIY oil change and I appreciated all the jacking threads. Car is so low my floor jack wouldn't even go under it.
Got spoiled owning the van for so long. Didn't have to jack it up to change the oil on it! Just put down the cardboard and slide under it with a wrench and a pan.
FYI, don't waste your time with a Harbor Freight cap style oil filter wrench. It doesn't fit the Boxster oil filter housing very well. I was only able to get it to work by modifying it on the lathe to get it to seat deeper on the plastic housing. Most of you don't have access to a metal lathe.
Just bought a OBD II reader also. Now I can deal with those CELs without having to go to the shop or $tealership.

Met a friend for lunch last week and the waitress loved the Pcar. Didn't have to twist her arm to get her to sit in the car for a pic. This place blew me away, they have over 400 different kinds of bottled beer for sale and 700 different wines too, unreal.