Thread: Is this bad?
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Old 09-09-2009, 12:18 PM   #19
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When is a question, not a question? When it is phrased like the one that started this thread.

So, you KNOW that if you hammer the car, it will shorten its life. That is simply a law of physics. You know the brakes and tires will wear out faster, erc. That is why they are called "wear items" in the warranty.

That is your issue of course; if your engine grenades or you drope a grand on tires, it is between you and you.

If you plow your silly a** into someone else, that is where the issue changes quite a bit.

And, if the CHP gets you on your little 120 joy ride, well, the tires will seem like a cheap deal.

So, lets end this little thread right here. If you want to take your car to the track and run it above red line, be my guest. That is what the track is for; speed and testing your skill, if you have any.

If you want to drive it into me and mine, we have another conversation, right?

Be very careful how your respond.

Rich Belloff

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