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Old 05-05-2008, 06:34 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by hjkim550

I am glad that you did not let them goad you into a fist fight. Being an short Asian man with a short temper, I got into a lot of them when I was younger. I trained in Tae Kwon Do for 12 years and thought that I was tough. I won my share but also got my a$$ whooped plenty of times. I don't really remember the fights I won but vividly remember the fights I lost. Not fun. It is a good thing that I was just a kid and did not get seriously injured.

Now that I am older (hopefully wiser), I cannot imagine being in a fist fight. I have no delusions about what can happen in a fight and would rather stay away from them. There are plenty of idiots out there... fighting with them will not change them.

I used to teach MA. I would tell the young guys, when you fight, you lose, even if you win. I have never had a fight where I didn't hurt something, a toe, ankle, knuckle, rist, eye, etc. etc.

So, even if I WON, the fight, I lost.

Fighting is better left for when the alternative is pretty darn awful.

Certainly, fighting over a car is totally a bad call.

Rich Belloff

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