Originally Posted by jakeru
Did you have it chrome plated after welding, or go for polishing stainless steel after welding? Looks like pretty decent quality fabrication technique.
Most folks doing DIY or custom exhaust work would not bother to do anything after welding, but you clearly did some post-welding work here.
It's TIG welded and after that just polished. I personally love the color of polished stainless after some time on the car when it gets that golden patina.
Originally Posted by 10/10ths
I can't hear you over this ear-bleed loud exhaust.
Hahaha... Over 3000 rpm you will definitely get heard, and flat out it screams VERY loud. However, below 3000 rpm it has a throaty gurgle. As is, it is too loud, especially when free revving. I agree, but those are the things I have to work on to make it better.