Sorry to start another one of these threads, but this one seems weird to me.
My car keeps draining the battery when the car isn't in use. It used to take awhile, like a few weeks, but recently it's gotten worse, like I can't start the car after a few hours.
1. Recently replaced the battery. Full size battery kept coming up unable to start the car... figured the battery was old enough to replace. Picked an odyssey pc680 because racecar. Maybe a fatal mistake, idk.
2. Still had issues starting the car after it had sat only a few hours. Read up on the forum... figured it was safe to assume the voltage regulator was bad. Even if it wasn't, I was gonna replace the idler pulleys anyway since I knew they're pretty loose. Replaced the regulator while i was in there.
3. Problem persists. I figured maybe the odyssey battery might be the problem, so I left the car on the charger, checked how many times the battery can start the car back to back. The answer is about 6 times.
4. I took my amperage meter to the car when it was off. I disconnected the ground and checked for current draw while the car was off. 25mA. I had to disconnect the battery to do this... so I'm wondering if maybe if the draw is being directed by the DME (like maybe some security system fault), then maybe this test isn't capturing the problem because the DME had to be reset.
5. Today I jumped the car because the battery was dead. Just used one of those small lithium ion jumpers. Drove home about 30 minutes. When I got home I checked to see if I could start the car again right after I turned it off. Started just fine. Makes me think the charging system is fine.
5. Came back 5 hours later and the battery is dead, can't start the car.
6. Idk if this has anything to do with it, but when i locked the doors, the car used to honk maybe 10 seconds later. Now it does nothing. I've checked for drain with and without locking the doors. It seems to drain in either case.
Any ideas? Some tests I can do to see if maybe there's some sort of intermittent drain? Tomorrow I think I'll test again, but with aftermarket radio disconnected. I also thought maybe it's the ignition switch, but I hoped line item number 4 would have caught that.