Originally Posted by Tacoboxster865
I'm thinking it's the locking mechanism on the back. I noticed that the cable would pulse when I hit the button. I took it off and the plastic piece that seems to push the top doesn't move when the button is pushed, but moves freely by hand. I'm going to try replacing that.
I am buying a car that the dealer said "the left side is messed up" so am researching everything I can ahead of time to help me diagnose the problem when i get the car in a couple of weeks.
If the hatch opens after you pop off those rods on both sides, operate the top, I am going to bet that one side is still not moving.
Where that rod connects is a gearbox that push's the deck open, while also pulling the top down. If its pulsing its either the gear is stripped, the cable operating the gearbox is broken, or the electric motor that drives the cable is bad.
Just my thought process, but I am sure those that have worked on these will chime in shortly.