As I don't live in Switzerland, I'd like to improve the sound by de-snorkeling. But having a look into the snorkel cavity behind the vent cover, it looks on mine like the snorkel is off-centre far to the left. Is that the normal position, or has mine been pulled out of position somehow?
Hey Charles, what's the trick for getting the vent out? Although I see yours is an older version than mine, without the bottom two slats joined together...
Assuming they are similar (which I think they are), remove the screw from the top, then apply pressure at the upper rear corner in an up and to the rear direction to free the lower front corner which is held in with a small lip.
After freeing the lower front corner, it should pull right out.
Could only get it off by busting off (accidentally) the internal retainer lip on the front bottom corner. But unbelievable how flimsily it was attached. Hot glue to the rescue...