Guys, I just cleaned one of the O2 sensor (pre-cat, #1) connector using CNC electric cleaner because it was all in oil and dirt (I have the oil fill tube leak right above the connector) and now it gives me 0V readings :-). Knowledge comes with experience I guess, after I was not able to figure out what's going on I went searching and discovered Porsche's note in the service manual that tell for to use any liquid cleaner on the O2 sensor connector. After some more searching I've learned that the sensor actually "breaths" through the signal wires. I should have known better but I've leaned it hard way I guess

So, I've tried to heat the wiring up with a heat gun to evaporate the cleaner from the wiring if any. Also compressed air. Still 0V. For now I have left the connectors unhooked overnight in hopes that it will evaporate and the sensors will come back to normal. Now I have 2 questions:
1. Did I permanently killed the sensor or is there anything I can do?
2. Can I drive with a non-working O2 sensor or with a disconnected O2 sensors (pre-cat). I figure that disconnected sensor defaults to 0.45V which tells ECU that the air-fuel mix is fine while 0V tells that that the mix is super lean and will increase fuel ratio in the mix which can damage the cats at the end.
All I need is to drop by part shop to pick up a new sensor Tuesday and I should be good to go again. This is in the case if I will be able to "resurrect" the sensor.