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Old 07-20-2012, 05:32 PM   #1
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2002 base boxster. When i hit the key to lock the door is does not chirp the way any other car does to let me know the alarm is on. Is that normal? The doors lock but no chirp...

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Old 07-20-2012, 06:02 PM   #2
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Yes, that is normal.

You will get a horn beep when you push the key lock and something is open (i.e. door, trunk, frunk, console box), letting you know the car is not secured.

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Old 07-23-2012, 08:40 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by trimer View Post
2002 base boxster. When i hit the key to lock the door is does not chirp the way any other car does to let me know the alarm is on. Is that normal? The doors lock but no chirp...
On 98, just pressing lock flashes blinkers twice

If you press lock twice quickly, blinkers flash and horn chirps

Also alarm light is different, think it is steady if press lock once, flashes of press twice quickly

Not sure of difference between two lock modes
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Old 07-23-2012, 11:46 AM   #4
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I believe the second quick press turns off the interior IR sensors (two little alien eyes above the mirror). Guess so you can set the alarm with the top down. Mine didn't beep (2000 box) for ever and now it does. Go figure. Alarm still works though.
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Old 07-23-2012, 01:17 PM   #5
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My alarm always beeped (horn chirp for a moment at locking) at first, then stopped beeping for about 6 months, and now beeps again. I haven't changed a thing that I aware. Kind of funny and not a big deal so I just ignore it.
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Old 07-23-2012, 04:41 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by Jager View Post
Yes, that is normal.

You will get a horn beep when you push the key lock and something is open (i.e. door, trunk, frunk, console box), letting you know the car is not secured.
You forgot to mention that it will also beep if the radio pressure switch is not properly grounded when replacing the head unit (this thread is a reminder that I need to find a better ground for that...)
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Old 07-23-2012, 10:02 PM   #7
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My alarm remote locks the door and light flashes then chirps seconds later.
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Old 07-24-2012, 02:53 AM   #8
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as jager has said, if your car chirps, then something is not secure. 99% of the time the culprit is the center console lid is not completely closed.

pressing (or locking) twice will disarm the IR sensors. and the car will chirp letting you know you disabled the sensors.

two chirps indicate something is wrong with the system itself.

the turn signal indicators should flash twice and the red lights on the dash (above the radio and on the top of the dash) flash quickly for 10 seconds, then flash once per second if the IR is enabled.

if the IR is disabled, the alarm will chirp once and the lights on the dash will be solid for 10 seconds, then flash once per second.

Boxster Alarm Lock - YouTube
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Last edited by tonycarreon; 07-24-2012 at 02:58 AM.
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Old 07-24-2012, 02:16 PM   #9
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No offense meant, gentlemen, but I'd say you're not entirely correct here, while I'll admit I'm basing my experience on a 97 and a 99 Boxster.

Yes, if the car immediately beeps at you upon the button press, that means something is unsecure (as mentioned, doors not closed completely, a trunk open, or the center console lid not closed).

However, to my knowledge the horn beep of the alarm is a programmable function from the dealer. The short horn beep a few seconds after the car is locked via the remote can be turned off, which is likely what the previous owner had done here. I'm not sure that the light flashes can be turned off (two flashes indicating locked, single flash inidicating unlocked, long single flash indicating locked with IR sensors deactivated), but I know that the quick horn beep can be turned off.

If you want to test it, roll your windows down (with the top up), lock the car, and reach in and wave your hand around near the dash to see if the alarm actually goes off and beeps the horn continuosly.

The other possibility is that your alarm horn (separate from your idiot repellent horn in the steering wheel) could have gone bad and needs to be replaced. It's up by the battery on the driver's side under the plastic mesh covering.

Also note, the lights will not flash when you use the key in the door to lock/unlock the car, though the horn will still beep if the car is programmed to do so/horn is working. A few seconds after that, you'll see the LED in the dash flashing to tell you the IR sensors are active, as you also should when you use the remote to lock the car.

I don't know if they changed it from 2000 onward, so if my info is incorrect in that case, then don't let me misinform you.

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Old 07-24-2012, 07:26 PM   #10
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i believe the only thing that can be programmed in regards to central locking (aside from keys) is how the doors lock after the car is in motion:

1. automatically when the car is started
2. automatically after the car reaches 6 mph
3. automatically when the car is started, and relocked when the car reaches 6 mph
4. no automatic locking
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Old 07-25-2012, 06:15 AM   #11
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I do remember learning of that recently, and I wouldn't mind having them do that, too. My car doesn't lock itself, and it would be great if it did, since I'm used to locking manual locks myself, so I sometimes forget to press my lock button when I get in and go. I do believe that the horn beep can be deactivated if the owner chooses, though. Or, in the case of this thread, should be able to be activated if the owner prefers.

My car gives me two signal flashes and the horn beep when I lock the car, as does my sister's '99. The only difference between our cars' behavior is the way the LED on the dash flashes.

Again, maybe they changed it in later years, but that's how my car behaves, and I believe that behavior is even detailed in the manual.

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Old 09-29-2016, 09:21 PM   #12
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No sound from alarm at all

Originally Posted by Overdrive View Post
No offense meant, gentlemen, but I'd say you're not entirely correct here, while I'll admit I'm basing my experience on a 97 and a 99 Boxster.

Yes, if the car immediately beeps at you upon the button press, that means something is unsecure (as mentioned, doors not closed completely, a trunk open, or the center console lid not closed).


If you want to test it, roll your windows down (with the top up), lock the car, and reach in and wave your hand around near the dash to see if the alarm actually goes off and beeps the horn continuously.

The other possibility is that your alarm horn (separate from your idiot repellent horn in the steering wheel) could have gone bad and needs to be replaced. It's up by the battery on the driver's side under the plastic mesh covering.

I know it's normally not nice to resurrect an old thread but Mr. Overdrive just helped me solve my problem and I wanted to let everyone know the solution if you find your way here in the future. Mr. Google had very little information on my problem which is:


2004 U.S. Boxster 986 S

The other day, I noticed I left the boot open and set the alarm and had no chirp. I double-checked by opening the glove compartment and locking the car. Same result, no chirp. Testing again today, I did exactly what Mr. Overdrive said - rolled down the window, locked the car and opened the door from the inside (you have to wait until you get the 1 second flashes on the dash before you try to trip the alarm).

The lights flashed like someone broke in but no alarm sound.

I did not know the alarm horn is a separate item located about an inch or two to the right of the battery. However, after I read what Mr. Overdrive said, I looked through the plastic mesh and there it was. I removed the plastic battery cover then used a 13mm socket on a 1/4" ratchet to loosen the battery hold down bolt. I slid the battery to the left away from the alarm horn and that allowed me to use the same socket/ratchet to unbolt the alarm horn. There's 2 wire clips on the electrical connector for the horn. Squeeze 'em together and pull the plug. Easy peasy.

I got a couple of electronic jumper wires (16 gauge wire with an alligator clip on each end) and jumpered the alarm horn to the battery. Nothing. Then I used the jumpers to attach a meter to the horn electrical connector. I triggered the alarm and once I had the polarity right, my digital multimeter showed 9v with blips higher that coincided with the flashing headlights in full alarm state.

That means I had good electricity to the alarm horn but no sound from the horn itself.

So I'll order a new one and once it's in, I'll try to remember to come back here and let you know the results.

For your convenience, I found it to be part number 996 637 117 03
This covers Boxsters from 1997-2004 for sure and supersedes 996 637 117 00 & 01 & 02
Doing a search to buy the part it looks like it's used in EVERY Porsche from 1997 on, but double check the number for your vehicle.

Last edited by Mr. Boxster; 09-29-2016 at 11:53 PM.
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