Originally Posted by san rensho
I would take off the radiator hoses and reverse flush the motor and then reverse flush the radiators. Good luck.
Don't let me discourage you---I think it's worth a try. But I tried, I really did. I back-flushed, front-flushed, you name it...disconnected hoses in various locations, everything, using a fine-mesh material to screen every milliliter of coolant/water that came out. I was missing much less impeller blade material than you (maybe a 1/4 of what you lost), but I never found a single solitary piece of it. Not to say lost pieces won't be a problem---I think potentially they can---but so far so good: It's been about 2400 miles and I've not had a problem.
I asked one of the techs at a local place that does a LOT of P-car work (Steinels) about this. He said the first time or two they had it happen, they flushed like crazy, and had no better luck than I. According to him, those owners never had a problem subsequently. He said they don't even bother to flush 'em anymore. FWIW.
Still, it's worth trying: If you get
anything out, it's one less piece to worry about.