the manual release and remote release use 2 different cables on the latch. Pull the latch cover off in the trunk (2 philips screws, IIRC) and you'll likely see one silver cable has frayed (with the eyelet still hanging on the actuator arm)...
So, you can either replace the entire cable (or you might have to replace the whole actuator if cable not separately replaceable), or you can use an electrical stranded wire connector/grounding lug to make a new (more sturdy) connection to the arm. Depending on size of lug (you want a small one), you may need to shorten the wire a bit more (or fold it over when inserting into lug to tighten). Take the eyelet w/ you to any hardware store so you get one that will fit over the arm.
Or you could really cheat and just crimp it to the parallel manual wire. However, I
recommend strongly against this b/c if the manual wire ever frays, you'll be royally screwed for getting in there to fix...
Good luck