Need some more input regarding my latest faultcodes, P1126 and P1133. Idle range adaptation bank 1 and 2 according to earlier threads.This is the second time I see them this year.Earlier I have had P1128 and P1130 pointing in the same direction, vaccum leak. However, all these codes do only show up when it is raining for some reason. Checked with Durametric to see the fuel trim and at lower range (2) they are both at 1.30 but at range 1 they are at -1.64 and -1.69 what does this mean, can they differ that much if I have a leak. Also did a smoke test without finding anything.
Durametric did also show an intake temp of 107 F at idle although outside temp where only 59F. Can it be the MAF that is gone instead of a vacum leak or is the intake heating the air that much?
O2 sensors seems to be fine as they are on the same value. Can I do something more before I have to buy a new Maf for test?
Sorry but all spelling errors are due to the kids breakfast in the keyboard..