I have no clue where I got this from
-W/ the exhaust fully cold,raise the support car to access exhaust system.
-Remove rear wheel(I don't think this is necassary)
-Remove electrical connector from precatalyst oxygen sensor.
(You may want to use PB Blaster and let it do it's job for 10 minutes on the oxygen sensor-precat/postcat meet up point)
-Use an oxygen sensor socket or open ended wrench to loosen sensor and unscew by hand
-Remove eletrical connector from post-catalyst oxygen sensor
-Use an oxygen sensor socket or open ended wrench to loosen sensor and unscew by hand
Installation is reverse of removal,noting the following:
-o2 sensors come precoated w/ antisieze paste.
-Torque to 37-44 ft lb
Good Luck! Hope this helps!