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-   -   Porsche Wind Deflector with Edge Lighting [from CAD, prototyping to finish] (http://986forum.com/forums/diy-project-guides/54705-porsche-wind-deflector-edge-lighting-%5B-cad-prototyping-finish%5D.html)

Nine8Six 11-10-2014 03:28 PM


Originally Posted by amagalla (Post 424640)
I don't know what LEDs you're using, but if you're using color shift LEDs, here is what I'd like to see.

1. Powered on with the lights (using the ashtray light, or rear parking lights or what ever.
2. Have the ability to turn it off if I'd like to (maybe with a button in one of the blanks on the dash, or a switch in the center console)
3. Have the lighting change to Red when the brakes are applied (or a brighter red if you're already using red).

I think this could be really sweet.

BTW, this is my design choice:

Simple and still lets you see through the wind blocker.

I'm digging this thread.


Tony - top quality mate. Got to admit those are all great ideas! But, if you ask me, and as JayG already pointed out, we can't move too far away from the initial idea of having this edge panel designed with an emphasis on simplicity. We've getting way too close to our max/ceiling of $7,500 per unit :/

Regardless, I'll need to consult with dearest resident, and associate Electrical Engineer (Charles) on this and get back to you. I know that he is already working onto a piggy back (plug & play) module that will trigger the dual-intensity brake light thingy for us (Top man eh!)

Nine8Six 11-10-2014 03:45 PM

Some progress:

I've finally settle for a manufacturer for the PMMA acrylic. Not exactly the cheapest but I have to say, they are the best in the entire country. Why I know? Cuz I've been looking for a full 3 weeks for these guys, spoke to 20 people, asked 10 others, visited 3 factories, and tried various samples lol

They are the ones who manufacture acrylic for pretty much all of the western companies (mostly transport industries). Most likely, most of the windows in the trains and airplanes you see around the world were manufactured by them. What they manufacture is only for export: ISO9xxx certified, all of the safety standards (TUV, DOT, etc) reqs and manufacturing processes in place, and they are the only manufacturer who can supply PMMA with non-flammable properties :cool:

And, we are friends now! Had a visit to my shop from the OP mgr yesterday morning. He is interested is what we do here in Shanghai so I think it's all good.... looks like we'll be getting some cheap (but good) window stuff :)

kjc2050 11-10-2014 04:43 PM

Great news!

gomarlins3 11-10-2014 05:49 PM

**Deleted** since tonichristi since I am associated with the site that was posted of which I am not. i was simply giving the OP an idea of what else was out there. I also did not like the personal attack and name calling he sent me through the PM. I certainly hope he is not like the others on this site since I have found nothing but helpful, adult people here until today.

Again, sorry that I tried to help, I will think again before trying to help someone again here.

TeamOxford 11-10-2014 05:58 PM


Patented Technology, Copyrights and Registered Trademarks acknowledged.

It appears that due diligence is in order.

Just sayin'.........


Nine8Six 11-10-2014 06:30 PM

Kewl - PMMA sorted, and all the AL6061T6 stocks for prototypes just came in!!!

That plate will be used for a custom fixture. Hopefully this will machine 4 (four) at a time. All from scratch.... off to the CAM work now! I'll grab a few shots of when this is cutting, chamfering and anodizing soon ;)


(Rottie not included, sorry)

Nine8Six 11-10-2014 06:38 PM


Originally Posted by gomarlins3 (Post 424689)
FYI- just found this through an S2000 site. If you feel it is infringing on the intent of this thread, please delete this post.


Aw man, that is a cool website! Thanks for sharing, didn't know they existed

I'll check with our Japanese counterpart here if they are okay with me publishing their website addy here. These guys took it to a whole new level 3D Edge lighting, 4 colors, and illuminated holography. Oh you should see that stuff..... lol

Nine8Six 11-11-2014 12:03 AM

Got the 10.6 μm wavelength laser finally dialed in specific for this (weird) pmma material. Either that stuff is as hard as crystal, or we simply need a new laser. The stuff is so hard the feed rates to cut it needs to be turtle speed. 12mm/minute + air assit + new focus lens. For sure we're not dealing with regular plastics here :/

The etching turns out frosty - s-t-u-n-n-i-n-g. Very happy. Unfortunately this shot got snapped using my mobby... looks a tad better in real life. LED light is completely lost inside and the material is clearer than glass (92%). Pretty cool 'chemicals' I have to say.

Chopped some scrap/sample material so I have a template to work with when fitting the LED module. I just don't want to scrap a full window size piece of pmma atm. Hopefully this coming weekend I'll be able to etch my boxster's window (my flower lol).


Nine8Six 11-11-2014 12:12 AM

And finally got the CAM work and GCODE done for the module. Mirror this 4 times over 4 coordinates and you got yourself a dedicated FANUC/ATC servo CNC milling machine cutting for 23.7minutes. So.... 5.925minutes per module/part.





^ For those who've never seen GCODE i.e. the code that gets output and loaded into the CNC controller, above visual is what it looks like. We basically need to understand and be able to write this by hand as most CAM software, still today, just won't do it all. Shop Geaks lolll

mavis.d 11-11-2014 01:44 AM

Clever stuff

BFeller 11-11-2014 05:16 AM


tonichristi 11-11-2014 07:33 AM

"Patented technology"? I think not :rolleyes:

The flowers are pretty

Nine8Six 11-11-2014 03:18 PM

Just a gentle reminder, this is a "DYI" and meant for one to 'show off' what he does to his, and friend's, beloved Boxster car ;)

I'll try to entertain, make it fun, and educational for others who I'm sure will learn a great deal!

Warming up the spindle on the CNC mill atm. Cold here in Shanghai this morning :/ arggg

Nine8Six 11-11-2014 03:25 PM


Originally Posted by tonichristi (Post 424741)
"Patented technology"? I think not :rolleyes:

The flowers are pretty

Thanks! You bet flowers are pretty. This was sent to me by a member from Colorado who hope to go with the floral theme for his ;)


Windrestrictor 11-11-2014 03:36 PM


Nine8Six 11-11-2014 03:49 PM

Geezzz.... I am starting to feel a tad uncomfortable here

At your request I have deleted the only two references that I've made to your website. Which were in fact replies from a member gormalins8..... If you feel the need to removed his posts then might worth you sending him a quick pm. I had no objection him posting them at the first place no worries.

Some tip for you. If you don't want your image to leak and be restricted use/access only, have a look at "Google Web Master Tools". That doc will provide you with the technicalities RE how to code your website so pics remain under your full control. Sort of the same how Porsche and other Co does to theirs. Hence the reason you'll never see their pics in other part of the web freely accessible, with their dwload links pointing at other sources, etc. Just a tip mate

You do great work, carry on at full speed. I don't intent to commercialize my flowers for the boxster 987, the Z4, S2k or Cadies or anything like that. All I intent doing is a one of the nicest windscreen you'll see in Shanghai (and in-the-world) for my super duper eBay-sponsored Porsche Boxster! Now if some friends would want the same, I am all willing to share what I have mate. "Limited Edition lol"

I can't comment on the legal concerns that you may have I apologize for not responding to your message. We indeed do have those legal advisor guys at HQ that I'm sure could quickly advise me... I just don't want them to know I play with LEDs mate. If this ever go commercial (read Amazon.com!) you can be rest assured due diligence will be carried out before.

To the Great Panels :cheers:

Slate 01 11-11-2014 05:16 PM


Originally Posted by Windrestrictor (Post 424786)

We're very flattered that you've taken such an exceptional interest in our World Class Product, that being the WINDRESTRICTOR® brand wind deflector for fine convertibles.
We applaud your efforts in trying to replicate a product that we discontinued several months back because owners were not happy with the plastic frames and thin plastic. /BOXSTER_WR_BANNER11415751553.jpg[/img]

Windrestrictor, maybe you should be more concerned with not making a product that isn't well liked because you used cheap materials that no one liked. Then you wouldn't have discontinued it. It did shat work and you got shat results. Crawl back into your hole and let Nine8six do some quality work for his friends on this site.:mad:

Nine8Six 11-11-2014 05:24 PM

NOOOooooo please please please MY DYI MY DIY MY MY MY MINE.

Slate 01, I was just about to ask a volunteer for prototype trial. PM your addy mate ;) Sending one to Charles nx week as well. We'll see if they are good (fingers crossed lol)

rick3000 11-11-2014 05:27 PM


Originally Posted by Windrestrictor (Post 424786)
We do suspect that some of your efforts are infringing on our intellectual property but we can discuss this in private.

I'll give you the copyrighted images, but how is a light attached to piece of plastic capable of infringing your intellectual property? Wouldn't the Z4 that inspired this idea also be infringing on your intellectual property?

I believe Porsche holds the trademark to the logo featured on the windscreen, and it is likely they have also patented the windscreen that both your and Nine8Six's designs are based upon.

I must say I am very surprised that you have posted such an aggressive message on an enthusiast forum, that consist of what is likely the largest segment of your target market for your own illuminated windscreen product.

I hope that Nin8Six continues development without any further harassment, and I am very much looking forward to seeing his design, which I am sure will be very high quality. :cheers:

gomarlins3 11-11-2014 05:36 PM

Wow am I ever sorry I put that link up. Sorry everyone.

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