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-   -   Porsche Wind Deflector with Edge Lighting [from CAD, prototyping to finish] (http://986forum.com/forums/diy-project-guides/54705-porsche-wind-deflector-edge-lighting-%5B-cad-prototyping-finish%5D.html)

Tolen 01-17-2015 08:08 PM

I echo davedeck's sentiment - Nine8Six, when/if you have more, I'm IN! I've been away for awhile since my 986 has been having the wiring harness replaced (hurry up and wait!) so am just seeing this thread. I'm very impressed! Bravo.

Nine8Six 01-18-2015 03:16 AM

Tolen, thanks and sure will mate. Aiming to start working on making another batch beg of Feb. Those should be ready to shoot in mid February aprox.

Also in the not to forget "To-Do-For" list is:

Amagala, TMStewart, davedeck, Dualist, AP328, mump, doctorm3

I won't lie I've received 6 or 7 PMs from fellas asking me to keep a kit for them as well. And I believe there is 5 registered on the GTP site's instant notification list atm (seen you've reg Tolen, Tony and Tom also)

I'm starting to lose track of who comes in first, priority etc and wouldn't want to miss out anyone. The best thing to do imo would be to register to get that GTP site instant notification - that'd be a tad easier for me. I can see who is subscribed to that notification thingy so that gives me an rough idea of how many I need to make.


^ see where red stroke is

BruceH 01-18-2015 06:04 AM

I think you are going to be very busy for a while Fred, just my thought!

Dualist 01-18-2015 11:32 AM

I've just signed up to the site.

I want design 1 in cold white please Fred :)

davedeck 01-18-2015 12:35 PM

Is there a link for the GTP site?
I'm getting a lot Pontiac sites

particlewave 01-18-2015 12:47 PM

The ultimate bi-xenon headlight retrofit kit for Sport & Super cars

mump 01-18-2015 01:47 PM

Awesome. I signed up.

davedeck 01-18-2015 04:42 PM

Thanks for the link. I put it on my wish list if that's what I was suppose to do. I presently don't have a wind stop so I will need to buy the brackets. I want the crest and Porsche lettering in red

davedeck 01-18-2015 04:55 PM

Dumas me. I found the link to be notified when in stock again.

doctorm3 01-19-2015 08:56 AM

I just signed up on the GTP site! Now I will have to obsess over the choice between cold white or red......definitely design 1!

Nine8Six 01-19-2015 06:13 PM


Originally Posted by doctorm3 (Post 432396)
I just signed up on the GTP site! Now I will have to obsess over the choice between cold white or red......definitely design 1!

Got you all guys in now, for sure I'll make aware before but putting down your e is the best way I have to make sure I'm not missing anyone. Thx for helping btw

On another IMPORTANT note. Friend here in SH damaged his window with his wrist watch y'day eve. The latching thingy on his watch was rubbed onto the glass a few too many times. Happened while installing the window inside his bracket. He admitted being careless but that didn't necessarily help making the morning coffee taste a bit better :/ Just heard a few min ago

Careful with the glass. What is considered a large scratch is unlikely to show during poweroff - quite similar to our oem Porsche window. However when "illuminated" you'll possibly see this scratch quite clearly (a fact; pmma is clearer than glass... light travels easy lol). Although it is possible and effortless to polish those acrylic windows back to brand new, it will NOT be possible for a 'wrist watch' heavy scratch to buff out without great efforts lol

He sort of rescued his with PlastX apparently... but it nearly took an hour. Offered to make another glass at no cost, feeling responsible for not having warned him.

Please be careful. It real easy - just treat as jewelry until it's mounted there on your Boxster and that will do just fine.

ps. a replacement glass & etch job will run at $30 + shipping. We are looking at a grand $60-worthty-scratch from the usa side if anything uncool happen to our not-so-cheap(after all) SkyBreaker. Fear imposed hehehe

Nine8Six 01-19-2015 06:22 PM

And please do not clean it with window cleaners. Anything heavy chemical on acrylic will craze the glass long term - polishing is useless in contamination cases. Recommending hot tap water with "hand soap" detergent (or similar fda approved).

Dove soap with lavender fragrance works lol

Youtube schools on how to clean acrylic, and how to repair a 'heavy' scratch. Pretty easy... just hard on the shoulder when it happens lollllll a must watch

AP328 01-19-2015 07:53 PM

I have signed up. Can't wait.

AP328 01-19-2015 08:25 PM


Originally Posted by Nine8Six (Post 432442)
a replacement glass & etch job will run at $30 + shipping. We are looking at a grand $60-worthty-scratch from the usa side if anything uncool happen to our not-so-cheap(after all) SkyBreaker. Fear imposed hehehe

You raise an interesting point, would it be possible to order an extrs glass and etch at original kit ordering?

Nine8Six 01-19-2015 08:58 PM


Originally Posted by AP328 (Post 432451)
You raise an interesting point, would it be possible to order an extrs glass and etch at original kit ordering?

Sure can. Also, info ahead of time possibly, but I also have smoked/tinted windows here and those fancy fluorescent acrylic glasses as well (green and orange atm only). Thinking about offering a whole range of oem replacement windows - with or without the LED Illumination or with or without etch design! $7,855 each of course...

Still experiencing with those (having fun!). Not that I would imagine anybody going for an 'orange' wind deflector but sure looks pretty cool loll Again (pls don't flame me) it's just fun options for some out there.... in case someone have this crazy modded Boxster somewhere... wants a wind deflector nobody has lollll

Clear fluo green anyone?




JonD 01-20-2015 04:27 AM

Hi Nine86,

I have been following posts etc on this Forum for around a year now on and off but didn't join until today.

I've had the same model Porsche as you for the last year and absolutely love the little lady!

I have been toying with the idea of purchasing a wind deflector from Porsche here in Melbourne Australia now for sometime, but have been put off by the last person I spoke to suggesting that driving with a wind deflector installed makes more turbulence than without one. And said he actually had a few hats blown off because of it LOL.

Anyway, I don't care, after seeing what you have created Nine, I so want one. Devastated that you are out of stock :):ah:

Anyway I just registered to be informed when you have more on that link you provided at The ultimate bi-xenon headlight retrofit kit for Sport & Super cars

My 986 is Maroon and was thinking a violet illumination would look amazing. Here in Australia we're not allowed any kind of illumination on cars that is red (except for brakes) or blue those colours are reserved for Police and emergency vehicles. At least that's what I have been informed.

Anyway mate. I have to say from go to woe I have been so very impressed with your absolute brilliance and dedication to this DIY project, I hope you make a bundle out of it mate, you MOST certainly deserve it. And thank you for making the price affordable to us that don't have a lot to spend and the exchange rate is so bad LOL.

Hope to get notification soon that you have more in stock. Take care 986 and thank again!

JonD 01-20-2015 04:43 AM

Brilliant Nine86
Just wanted to add my congrats for such a brilliant DIY project. Thanks, for making it available to us enthusiasts!

I put my name down for one to get notified when you have stock, Can hardly wait to order it and get it installed.
:dance: This is my can't wait dance :)


1998 986 Tip Base.

Carlisabadman986 01-20-2015 05:33 AM

This is awesome, what a great inexpensive product to really customize your car. Just signed up on the GT website. I'm still not sure what color/design combo I like the most. I'm thinking design 1 in Red.

Although Nine8six I see your located in Montreal, any chance I could get one with a Blue Blanc Rouge design to go with my PK license plates? Just an idea the CH is Red would be sweet!

JonD 01-20-2015 09:36 PM

Slight Mod if possible to wind deflector?
Hi again nine8six,

I was just wondering, if it would be possible to have a little more spacing between the PORSCHE letters on the screen?
Something like P O R S C H E

I know it's just a personal preference thing but Porsche themselves seem to space the letters out a bit when they stick them on cars. I recently took the Black Boxster script off my car because the 'r' broke and I decided to replace it with Chrome P O R S C H E lettering, and as I said it is just personal preference but I like the extra space between the letters. Have a look at the pics of the back of my car attached and tell me what youthink
Thanks again Mate! You're a STAR! Still waiting hehehe :dance:

JonD 01-20-2015 09:49 PM

Photos didn't attach
3 Attachment(s)
Not sure why but my photos didn't attach I'll try again :confused:

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