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-   -   Porsche Wind Deflector with Edge Lighting [from CAD, prototyping to finish] (http://986forum.com/forums/diy-project-guides/54705-porsche-wind-deflector-edge-lighting-%5B-cad-prototyping-finish%5D.html)

bg305 05-06-2020 05:54 PM


Originally Posted by Nine8Six (Post 616620)
Read all, quoted the key message and understand fully what you are saying. And you are 100% correct. Main challenge being that cross-platform impediment and management from a coding perspective; Steve got an iPhone, Ruth got an Android, lil sister got an HTC, big sister got the new XYZ and cousin have his Blackberry, you see where I'm going with this...

Absolutely.. admittedly I have a software bias and see design challenges through that lens. My choice here would probably be WebBluetooth in a PWA app. It is then 1 application for most platforms. But that said, I acknowledge the overhead and while I would not mind throwing down the code myself it would require maintenance and patching, 2 years from now x api is no longer supported and the reality is hobby time is hard to come by. Now if it were something that had a wide audience and was no longer a hobby, that is different :P. All joking aside though I think sort of scope creep is what i feared in general with the screen and touch. I am curious to see what the possibilities are too (and open to them) but unless it is something really killer, I think I am personally more inclined to go with the simple buttons that don't have me taking apart half my interior to run wire to the screen. Ironically I used to rip brand new cars apart and stuff them full of screens, computers, cameras and all sorts of **************** and now I want them as close to original as possible.. Sorry, digression


Originally Posted by Nine8Six (Post 616620)
Sought of using a cross-platform one-fit-all solution e.g. a browser addy http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xx:XXXX and port over lets say a NRF24L01+ or a LT8920 radio IC (2.4Ghz) but then the work involved is equivalent if not more than simply coding an X&Y axis touch screen. The radio would also require FCC ID (if compliance is an issue for anyone) :/

Yes.. when it comes to hardware i live blissfully in the naive prototype playground, buying controllers with approved radios, etc. That said I am following this thread with great interest because I want to understand the process better. Thank you for providing all the detail you do. When I get a few breathers over the next couple of weeks I am going to try to dig more into the details


Originally Posted by Nine8Six (Post 616620)
Finally, if the device would be used daily like a tune-in radio or similar then it would make sense to put in connectivity but in this case chances the color & brightness settings will be set once (or twice) then forgotten.

I agree, but I think the other factor is how integrated it is and accessible. I think an android auto / apple car play head unit app that let you manage all interior led colors would likely get a lot of use. For all I know they are already available.


Originally Posted by Nine8Six (Post 616620)
Not all lost cause. We'll have extra GPIOs on the device and probably use a nice quad size for developers to expand this controller to what-ever-they-want. That would include connectivity if what they add in the future requires that feature!!!

If there is anything that could convince me otherwise please do let me know and I'll reconsider my opinions. Thanks for trying to help out, appreciated btw!

Edit: Adding in a MCP2021A-330E/SN, sort of a gift to our Devs who wish to have both read & write access to the ECU and car data and/or build their own HMI around that (comm via k-line over 10400baud). So see, plenty of other tricks you'll be able to do with this lil cool box ;)

Cool.. looks like a basic serial connection, could actually send that to a BT module if i got the inclination (or just solder up to a Arduino's serial for simplicity) and got board and wanted to create such an app :). thank you!

BTW.. what type of messages would I want to send over the connection to the controller?? (Sorry if you have not gotten this far yet or if you posted it already)

Nine8Six 05-07-2020 01:18 AM

Pardon my short memory I've just realized we had a chat about a car PC a few months back. Glad you've found out this thread and chiming in some good points, all very valid in fact (thanks!). If all of that stuff would be easy to implement trust me I'd swing in all your ideas in a flash, but as you know (I'm sure you do) its always about compromises :/

Didn't know Apple brought-in interior lighting control in their product. I find it rude that they've forgotten all about the SkyBreaker. I'm insulted, let me raise an official complaint right away :mad:

A BT-over-uart would work perfectly fine, good idea btw! That uart would take a 0x33 "init" at 5 baud (write), wait for a 0x55 response from the ECU (read) and after that you'd send out requests (mode, PID) to comm with the car. e.g.

uint8_t message[5] = {0x68, 0x6A, 0xF1, 0x01, 0x11}; // ask for throttle pos

Modes and PIDs conversion at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OBD-II_PIDs

Something like that.

ps. I'm up to hacking the A/F so to get seasonal performance maps uploaded. I may get in touch with someone I know back in the UK who specialize in car performance mapping and see if he is interested in partnership. e.g. you'd buy his engineer service, get a re-map for your vehicle and have that uploaded before a track day (or illegal night race at the industrial park, in my case LOL) and have the original oem map restored after that, You get the idea....

Anyway. All-very-early indeed. pps; Just had two of those (kick-arse) capacitive displays arriving today, I'll breadboard one over this evening to confirm the pinout and see how that goes! They are incredibly beautiful and well engineered it appears, so slim too



amagalla 05-07-2020 03:11 PM


Originally Posted by Nine8Six (Post 616427)

Open for both brilliant & silly ideas, please chime before I hit the schematic design!

How about lighting effects that change with the audio of the sound system?


rflores2323 05-07-2020 06:00 PM

There are systems out there already that work with LED's and Bluetooth. I have XK glow for ambient lights and you can do alot of cool colors and have it change with speed or music etc..

The capacitive touchscreen is cool if we could fit it in the batwing area? I have some buttons there for heat seat warmers and the LED light. If that was touchscreen it would set it apart.

Also look at this on eBay

Sent from my HD1907 using Tapatalk

Nine8Six 05-08-2020 05:24 AM


Originally Posted by amagalla (Post 616670)
How about lighting effects that change with the audio of the sound system?

We are so young, forever will, that's good Tony!!!


Originally Posted by rflores2323 (Post 616679)
There are systems out there already that work with LED's and Bluetooth.

True that, its all over here too and in several voltage, port to android, iphone, hand held, you get dizzy just looking at all those options. But none can do brake signal input, expand to dev's thinkies (k-line?), and none comes with a sexy CNC enclosure with a built-in quality IPS capacitive touch display :D

Thanks for linking-up, good catch I had that in mind too. We have them here in fact, 100% custom. Using a similar solution from a domestic manufacturer for an HMI active membrane switch (recessed push-buttons and clear window). Completely different alley though (i.e. automation system). You send them a *.AI template with the pantone colors and they ship you out your membrane in <48hrs. Interestingly enough, they cost X5 more (per unit) than that IPS display if you consider a small quantity... which is our case :/

Anyway. All brilliant ideas none the less, thanks for sharing those along guys and keep em coming.

TypeA 05-09-2020 08:20 AM


Originally Posted by Nine8Six (Post 616337)
Haven't. But can't see what stops us from working on this together. Let's see if I can get my hands on a spare kit locally. I'll look on my side but if you know of any readily advertised F.S. do let me know and I'll import this over. -or- if you're happy to send over your existing kit then let's do that and I'll ship it back along with the engineered replacement (free, ofc!).

Sounds good, theyre pretty easy to come by on the used market so I ordered one off fleabay for $100 (hopefully its in good shape). Shoot me a PM (or reply to the PM I sent you a couple weeks ago) with your mailing address and Ill send you 2 kits, send me back the best of the two and the other you can keep.

Nine8Six 05-12-2020 03:22 AM


Originally Posted by TypeA (Post 616757)
send me back the best of the two and the other you can keep.

They'll both be refitted! probably going to get that extra one priced eventually so pass on your paypal addy and I'll void the shipping cost on those. Pm sent. :cheers:

GroovyCoovy 05-24-2020 08:21 AM

Sign me UP
These are awesome. I want 1 !!

hayd 06-06-2020 12:48 PM

Are these still available they look incredible?

maytag 06-06-2020 03:20 PM


Originally Posted by hayd (Post 618364)
Are these still available they look incredible?

I don't think they're available YET, let alone still! Haha

I've been watching for where to send my money.... ;-)

Sent from my SM-G970U using Tapatalk

hayd 06-07-2020 03:26 AM

They are so nice, do the middle wind reflectors make ahuge difference in noise? I dont actually have one.

jreissenweber1 07-12-2020 11:55 AM

Did I hear amber lighting .. good for speed yellow?

I'm in ..

How can I help?

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk

dubledeez 01-07-2021 07:49 PM

Still available?
FNG here...are these still available for purchase?


TypeA 04-27-2023 04:08 PM

I havent posted in a long time and lost touch. Nine8Six hasnt been active in years, is he still doing wind deflectors elsewhere?

particlewave 07-31-2023 02:36 AM

Nope. Went quiet, just like this forum.

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