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Old 07-20-2014, 06:03 AM   #1
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Question Overhead latch released while driving, now stuck

The overhead release latch on My 2001 Boxster convertible popped slightly open while I was driving causing the windows to open as if I was going to open the top. The top edge of the convertible top now sits about 1/4 away from the top of the window...the problem:I cannot push the release button to pull down the latch or push it back into the closed position because the top has slipped back enough that it allows no slack to perform either of these steps. It is stuck and i do not want to apply to much force to try and open or close it. I somehow need to slide the top forward enough to release the latch fully. Anyone ever have this happen?

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Old 07-26-2014, 06:18 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by Angel911 View Post
The overhead release latch on My 2001 Boxster convertible popped slightly open while I was driving causing the windows to open as if I was going to open the top. The top edge of the convertible top now sits about 1/4 away from the top of the window...the problem:I cannot push the release button to pull down the latch or push it back into the closed position because the top has slipped back enough that it allows no slack to perform either of these steps. It is stuck and i do not want to apply to much force to try and open or close it. I somehow need to slide the top forward enough to release the latch fully. Anyone ever have this happen?
I've never messed with the top, but I've read just enough to be dangerous. The top is driven with an electric motor. If it were me, I'd start by going down the path of driving the motor with bypass jumpers to make it run without the rest of the system playing nanny. I'd look to unplug the motor connector, figure out where the ground is, and which is the power wire to close the top, then jumper those to run the top to the closed position. Now not having even looked at the electrical schematic this may not work, but I'm hoping someone on this forum will jump on this post to correct it, or chime in with improvements to this idea.
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Old 08-01-2014, 04:45 PM   #3
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Pelican posted something on here a few weeks ago about making their own brand of replacement plastic gears for the top mechanism.
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Old 08-14-2015, 05:27 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by Angel911 View Post
The overhead release latch on My 2001 Boxster convertible popped slightly open while I was driving causing the windows to open as if I was going to open the top. The top edge of the convertible top now sits about 1/4 away from the top of the window...the problem:I cannot push the release button to pull down the latch or push it back into the closed position because the top has slipped back enough that it allows no slack to perform either of these steps. It is stuck and i do not want to apply to much force to try and open or close it. I somehow need to slide the top forward enough to release the latch fully. Anyone ever have this happen?
I had this happen too. Easy fix, you just have to take two screws out of the base plate that the latch seats into. The screws are actually torx fasteners, you can access them by popping out the two black plastic "eyes" on either side of the cabin light at the top of the windshield. Once they're out, you can move the plate toward the back window and this should release the stuck latch. Then you can put the torx fasteners back in and latch the roof properly.

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convertible top , release lever stuck

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