Originally Posted by peraspera19
Hopefully this will help others save money in the future!
You are awesome for this, Thank you
I just replaced my doorlock with this kit and it had the piece I needed.
If anyone else needs to do this in the future and don't want to struggle remembering how to put it back together (me), here's a little sequence in reinstalling along with some pictures
First off, here's the old bunny ear piece still packed with old lithium grease in the lock

The culprit
The top row is what's included in the $3.49 regulator fix package
Part circled in yellow replaces number 1
Sequence for reinstallation ;
1 goes in first, with the bunny ears facing UPWARDS.
2 goes in second with the ears facing DOWNWARD.
than its the tricky part. You have to install 3 and 4 at the same time.
The spring (3) first with the paddle right on top of it.
But the ring(4) has to be in before the paddle is locked by the quick release washer(5)
If you refer back to the first picture,
you want the ring(simulated in red) to seat between the green lines marked.
Squeeze the ears on number 4 to the opposite directions(yellow)
Than once in place, push the paddle down and retain it together by sliding in the quick release washer(5).
Don't forget to pack with enough white lithium grease!
Hope this helps others in the future.