I have a 2004 Boxster with 30,000 miles and it developed a nasty squeak coming from the front end. It squeaked when going over bumps or when turning. I sprayed lube on everything and it made no difference. I got my wife to bounce the car while I poked around and it seemed to be coming from a ball joint. The Boxster ball joints are sealed and do not have a grease nipple so I purchased an adapter for a grease gun which is a needle which pokes through the rubber boot and injects grease. It was really easy, I just pushed the needle into the boot and pumped some grease in, and when I pulled the needle out, the hole just closes up because it's so small. . I did it on the lower ball joint, tie rod end and the sway bar links and turned the steering wheel back and forth to work it in. The squeak is completely gone, there's not even a hint of it left. I'm going to do the rear ones as a precautionary measure.