07-29-2020, 01:31 PM
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You have two options
1) remove weight
2)laughing gas
07-29-2020, 03:33 PM
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Originally Posted by itsnotanova
You have two options
1) remove weight
2)laughing gas
Bottles are for babies. LOL
But yeah best bang for the buck by far.
'99 supercharged 4.3 chevy Boxsterado
'98 PP13B powered thing
This hairdresser only cuts mullets
07-29-2020, 07:01 PM
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Originally Posted by 986Chick
Hi. I have a 986 Boxster with the 2.7L engine. While it's a fun car that I bought on a lark one day and am glad I did, I've always had Corvettes before, and the lack of power in the Boxster is frustrating at times. My Ford Expedition has more power.
What can one do to raise the HP without breaking the bank?
I'm not going to go to heroic measures to eek out another 5bhp at the cost of $5,000. But are there things that will make a noticeable difference in oomph without major surgery? I'm told some exhaust solutions can bump up the HP, but is it really noticeable? Feel free to tell me, "It's never going to be a fast car, just enjoy it for what it is." That's what I've been telling myself. But I thought I would ask, just in case. What wisdom do you experts have for this lady with her first Boxster?
What about weight?
I see ads on Ebay for exhaust systems in the $300-400 range that say you can save a bunch of weight.
I bought lightweight wheels on a previous car, dropped 6-7lbs per corner. It was great and really helped the engine rev (I remember the change was like AC on vs AC off), the braking, and overall nimbleness. I cracked 2 wheels though, maybe it was an LA pothole. You can find used OZ wheels that are a few lbs lighter than stock, for $1000.
07-30-2020, 06:23 AM
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Originally Posted by husker boxster
Totally agree with this. Nothing more satisfying than a near-perfect lap (like Costner said in Tin Cup, "perfection is unobtainable"). It gets disappointing when a third of the people who pass you don't come w/in 2' of an apex but think they're "fast" b/c they can mash the accelerator and go fast between corners.
My mechanic invited me to join the local PCA group and go to the track with them, where I could really learn to drive it. That sounds like fun and I want to do it, but it also scares me. It scares me for two reasons: 1. having someone in the car with me during COVID-19; 2. flipping the car. I saw a video of someone here who got into a side skid on the track, and all I could think of is that he was lucky he didn't hit a bump or a spot with greater surface tension, because that car looked like it was about to flip. Didn't. He came to rest in the dirt. But it sure scared me.
I would love to take Mrs. Peel (my car...folks probably don't know who Emma Peel was, but she was pretty, sophisticated, and a badass) to the track and learn to really drive her. One day....
07-30-2020, 06:45 AM
2003 S, Arctic Silver, M6
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Originally Posted by 986Chick
I would love to take Mrs. Peel (my car...folks probably don't know who Emma Peel was, but she was pretty, sophisticated, and a badass) to the track and learn to really drive her. One day.... 
Oh I know who Mrs Peel was! Diana Rigg of the Avengers. Not that crappy super hero Avengers but the super cool British spy show of the 1960’s Avengers. As a pubescent 13 year old seeing Mrs Peel in her leather pantsuit provided any number of boyhood fantasies. Oh, did I really type that or just think it? 55 years on I still think she was hot.
07-30-2020, 06:56 AM
Racer Boy
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Originally Posted by 986Chick
My mechanic invited me to join the local PCA group and go to the track with them, where I could really learn to drive it. That sounds like fun and I want to do it, but it also scares me. It scares me for two reasons: 1. having someone in the car with me during COVID-19; 2. flipping the car. I saw a video of someone here who got into a side skid on the track, and all I could think of is that he was lucky he didn't hit a bump or a spot with greater surface tension, because that car looked like it was about to flip. Didn't. He came to rest in the dirt. But it sure scared me.
It would take running into a curb or something like that to roll nearly any modern car, let alone a Boxster. If you don't hit something, it's just not going to happen.
I understand your Covid fear, and I'm surprised that there is any PCA club allowing instructors to ride in the car. My local club isn't allowing that. You can be patient and wait until the virus magically disappears (any moment now...) and then take a High Performance Drivers Education class. Realistically, probably in two to three years.
You like Emma Peel? This guy is in love with Emma Peel - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kskwZW9iQNM
Last edited by Racer Boy; 07-30-2020 at 06:58 AM.
07-30-2020, 09:06 AM
Who's askin'?
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Originally Posted by 986Chick
.... I saw a video of someone here who got into a side skid on the track, and all I could think of is that he was lucky he didn't hit a bump or a spot with greater surface tension, because that car looked like it was about to flip. Didn't. He came to rest in the dirt. But it sure scared me.
You might be referring to this video:
The likelihood of "flipping" or rolling a car on a racetrack is negligible. At HPDE's, it just does not happen. If you search high-n-low enough you might find an example of it, maybe.
Honestly, I was being sloppy and careless... "cocky" maybe.  I drive on the edge of my ability at the track, because I want to keep expanding my ability. But in this case, I wasn't being smooth, and that's why it bit me. I went out on shagged-out tires with the intent of just sliding-around a little and having some fun. So I deserved it.
Do not let that little skirmish deter you from having more fun in your boxster than you ever thought possible.
Last edited by maytag; 07-30-2020 at 09:09 AM.
07-30-2020, 09:39 AM
1997 Tip, 2018 Macan
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If you are close enough, Riverside PCA is having another Auto Cross at the Fontana Speedway on September 20. We just had one last weekend, and even with all of the Covid rules, it went off great. We will have PCA trained driving instructors their who will coach you for free. Either in the car (covid rules dependent) or via two-way radios.
A/X is a safe, non-competitive way of getting into high performance driving that doesn't break the bank. Worse case scenario, you murder several orange cones. Safe travels.
+10 Emma Peel
07-30-2020, 10:01 AM
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Originally Posted by maytag
You might be referring to this video:
The likelihood of "flipping" or rolling a car on a racetrack is negligible. At HPDE's, it just does not happen. If you search high-n-low enough you might find an example of it, maybe.
Honestly, I was being sloppy and careless... "cocky" maybe.  I drive on the edge of my ability at the track, because I want to keep expanding my ability. But in this case, I wasn't being smooth, and that's why it bit me. I went out on shagged-out tires with the intent of just sliding-around a little and having some fun. So I deserved it.
Do not let that little skirmish deter you from having more fun in your boxster than you ever thought possible.
Yeah, that's the video! I kept thinking all you had to do was hit a sizable rock and over you go. Am I wrong?
I have to ask, what color is your car? It looks like it's the same color as mine.
07-30-2020, 11:14 AM
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Originally Posted by 986Chick
Yeah, that's the video! I kept thinking all you had to do was hit a sizable rock and over you go. Am I wrong?
The nice thing about racetracks is that usually the big objects have been removed around the track and other hard objects are mitigated as best as possible (within reason!).
How about autocross with someone elses car as a taste test??? We had an exotic car outfit show up at the minor league stadium parking lot. Something like $150 (Groupon thing???) for 3 laps in a Ferrari or Lambo. I drove the F430 and 612 like I stole them. There is zero instruction but I think you will know afterwards if this type of thing is your bag or not.
Last edited by Rayrevolver; 07-30-2020 at 11:16 AM.
07-30-2020, 11:31 AM
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Of course things can happen on the track, but they can on the street too. The nice thing about DEs is you can push your car as hard as you want to. And it's in a much more controlled environment than in the public.
We just had our first DE of the year last mo, including a novice group. Everyone was checked for temperatures before the event began and we had a 100% refund policy if someone didn't feel well and didn't attend. As for the novices, everyone wore a full face helmet, which acted like a face mask. And no one was forced to sign up. It's been almost 5 wks and there have been no reported cases other than permagrin.
Here's a pic from the event. Check out my front tire.
GPRPCA Chief Driving Instructor
2008 Boxster S Limited Edition #005
2008 Cayman S Sport - Signal Green
1989 928 S4 5 spd - black
Last edited by husker boxster; 07-30-2020 at 11:44 AM.
07-30-2020, 11:31 AM
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While this was written in 2009, I don't think anything has changed in the intervening years. A 2.7 is a 2.7. Until it get to be a 3.6 or so, you aren't going to see a big difference.
https://sites.google.com/site/mikefocke2/itisn%27tfastenough will tell you all the things you can do to make it go faster. One important things is the money flees your wallet faster the faster you try to go. You can spend up to around $25k for the ultimate Boxster engine.
I've owned 5 sportscars with as little as 1.3 litres. They were fun because it was all about the driver and not the machine. I had a 2.5 Boxster and a 3.2 Boxster S and I actually preferred the 2.5 because I could keep my right foot pressed down harder and longer. I've driven Corvettes, they always felt ponderous. Just my preferences, I guess.
07-30-2020, 02:02 PM
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Originally Posted by 986Chick
My mechanic invited me to join the local PCA group and go to the track with them, where I could really learn to drive it. That sounds like fun and I want to do it, but it also scares me. It scares me for two reasons: 1. having someone in the car with me during COVID-19; 2. flipping the car. I saw a video of someone here who got into a side skid on the track, and all I could think of is that he was lucky he didn't hit a bump or a spot with greater surface tension, because that car looked like it was about to flip. Didn't. He came to rest in the dirt. But it sure scared me.
I would love to take Mrs. Peel (my car...folks probably don't know who Emma Peel was, but she was pretty, sophisticated, and a badass) to the track and learn to really drive her. One day.... 
Hey, don't sell us short!
There are some Emma Peel/Diana Rigg fans around here...check out:
The long arm of the law. You should try driving at the track. I've only done it a few times, but it's a blast. Do it soon—you're in my age bracket: our reflexes aren't getting any faster!
07-30-2020, 04:47 PM
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Originally Posted by 986Chick
I would love to take Mrs. Peel (my car...folks probably don't know who Emma Peel was, but she was pretty, sophisticated, and a badass) to the track and learn to really drive her. One day.... 
Mrs. Peel...…...Emma Peel?
Never heard of her.
07-30-2020, 05:56 PM
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You could also check the awesome POC program, where you would be able to go and learn to properly drive your car in a very safe and controlled environment.
Check out their Performance Driving Series
PS: There are many talented (and competitive..) women in the POC 
PS2: I was in love with Emma Peel as well :-) but by now she must be around 80...
07-30-2020, 06:57 PM
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Originally Posted by Gilles
You could also check the awesome POC program, where you would be able to go and learn to properly drive your car in a very safe and controlled environment.
Check out their Performance Driving Series
PS: There are many talented (and competitive..) women in the POC 
PS2: I was in love with Emma Peel as well :-) but by now she must be around 80...
That PDS looks interesting. I need something for novice drivers, in an environment that won't shun women. Ima go look for one.
You may have seen Emma Peel (Diana Rigg) in Game of Thrones.
My Mrs. Peel is holding up a little better.
07-30-2020, 07:00 PM
Who's askin'?
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Originally Posted by 986Chick
Yeah, that's the video! I kept thinking all you had to do was hit a sizable rock and over you go. Am I wrong?
I have to ask, what color is your car? It looks like it's the same color as mine.
Yeah, it'd take much more than a "sizeable rock" to flip a boxster. a curb that both wheels could hit so it'd flip instead of spin.... maybe. But you'd have to be moving much faster than I was there. And, as another poster mentioned; usually those obstacles have been removed form racetracks. (Though you'd be surprised what "obstacles" still exist on a SuperBike  )
My car? it's like... um.... blue.
07-30-2020, 07:21 PM
2003 S, Arctic Silver, M6
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Originally Posted by 986Chick
My Mrs. Peel is holding up a little better.
True, but your Mrs Peel isn't 82 years old.
07-31-2020, 12:23 AM
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Last edited by GLImages; 07-31-2020 at 02:21 AM.
07-31-2020, 03:42 AM
Who's askin'?
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Location: Utah
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Originally Posted by GLImages
Aw man! You edited your comment?
Hahaha..... i take a ton of heat over that PT..... but i can take it. ;-)
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