Old switch worked...then didn't work, then worked again. Ugh. Thankfully, the new switch arrived early so I installed it and, fingers crossed, things seem to be working just fine.
For posterity:
If you are experiencing top failure to open or failure to close and when you pull open your top latch and the following is true:
-Windows go down normally
-E brake light is illuminated on the dash
-All fuses are in good condition
-Top relay is known to be in functioning order
It could very well be the microswitch in the windshield header that has failed even if your windows go down when you unlatch the top! I got off on the wrong track because I assumed that if the windows dropped, the latch microswitch must be OK. Remember that there are TWO microswitches in the header latch - one to drop the windows, and the other to send signal to the control unit that the top is unlatched/ready to retract. In my case, it is evident that the second microswitch or one of the soldered connections in the assembly failed.