Fuse panel is fine... either use a .25 spade connector on the hot side of an empty switched fuse locations (there are a couple depending on your options) or get an '
add-a-circuit' (also can find in local parts stores (
like auto zone).
However, for an even simpler install why not use V1's SAVVY connector which plugs into the OBDII port? It also has a dial to set the speed at which the V1 will chirp once and then go to mute (perfect for shopping centers, construction zones, etc.). I ended up putting a SAVVY in each car they're so convenient... (like I had done w/ the original hard-wire adapter) and then run a cord from SAVVY behind trim to top of windshield. When switching between cars I only need to quickly unplug detector at windshield from one and plug it in on other and I'm rolling again in no time.
Savvy | Valentine One | Radar Detectors
Good luck