First, I don't know about "over there" but pretty sure that the car wasn't painted with Lacquer. Not allowed by our US EPA, probably long since abolished in the EU, too. It was most likely acrylic enamel, and reading between the lines, you clearcoat is peeling.
It might be possible to wet sand
all the clearcoat off, and have it re-cleared. I wouldn't do it, but the results might be okay. Mine had the same problems and I ended up just having it repainted. In the US, we have a budget body shop chain called Maico, they did mine with an integrated clearcoat, it looks pretty good. Not a $6000 paint job by any means, but it's even, no drips or runs, and only few bits of dust in the paint. I guess I committed a cardinal sin, I had my arctic silver repainted in a red metallic. But it's my car, what the heck. I love the color.