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Old 09-07-2016, 10:51 PM   #1
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Location: Soldotna Alaska
Posts: 7
Gaskets, Trim and fixing little things

I recently purchased a 97 Boxster, From what I can tell it spent some time outside (not terrible just bits here and there). Paint is fine, only a few minor things but the main issue I've found is that all of the window gaskets/liners/seals have gotten a bit dried up and have cracked in a few spots. I have invested in a car cover to help keep rain and snow out (as well as the fact that I've got a hard top on it), but I still haven't been able to find a viable option to replacing the gaskets.

The main issues are the Window gaskets for the doors, and frankly $200 seems like a lot especially just for one side. Wondering If anyone has gone through this before, either replacing or "reconditioning," if you will, the various seals on the car.

On a separate note, I've got a crack in my windshield, not huge and not in an obnoxious spot. Curious to know if anyone has replaced glass on the car and if there are any tips, procedure as well as where/what to purchase.

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Old 09-07-2016, 11:34 PM   #2
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A while back, I sold the door gaskets from my parts car to another forum member. It may be hard to find someone willing to sell them because it makes the rest of the door harder to find a home for, but I'm sure you can get a good set if you are willing to pay.
My price in that thread was sarcasm. I charged a little over shipping cost. Of course, a business will have to charge quite a bit more.

I have replaced the windshield in two Boxsters. First time, I just took it to an auto glass shop and paid around $325 for a new windshield. Next time, I took my parts car to a shop and had them cut out the windshield, then install it on another car - $80 for the labor.

I am not an attorney, mechanic, or member of the clergy. Following any advice given in my posts is done at your own peril.
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