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Old 04-28-2006, 04:15 PM   #1
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Exclamation Ethanol?

In Houston we just started getting new gas with the ethanol additive. Its not all ethanol. The ethanol is just replacing an additive that is being phased out. The pumps now have a sticker that says up to 10% ethanol. Is this OK for our cars?

Also, does anyone know if the boxster can run on straight ethanol?

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Old 04-28-2006, 05:03 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by Finallygottaporsche
In Houston we just started getting new gas with the ethanol additive. Its not all ethanol. The ethanol is just replacing an additive that is being phased out. The pumps now have a sticker that says up to 10% ethanol. Is this OK for our cars?

Also, does anyone know if the boxster can run on straight ethanol?
As long as your running the right octane, no issue.

Don't understand the nature of your second question, do you want to run top fuel drag races?
Rich Belloff

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Old 04-28-2006, 09:09 PM   #3
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We have corn (ethanol)

We have had ethanol blends in Iowa for years. I was told absolutley not to run ethanol by the dealer. Also most blends are lower octane here 87-89 range. I have never seen an ethanol blend above 89. Also the gas mileage stinks...
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Old 04-29-2006, 05:05 AM   #4
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We have had ethanol blended fuels for years now. I run Ethanol blended 94 octane gas with great fuel mileage and can make a ton of power on it as it's true 94 octane gasoline.

On a side note, Top fuel is not Ethanol (corn) it's Methanol (Alcohol). You could never run a standard car on Methanol. You have to switch all the fuel lines to braided, fuel filter to stainless not paper, fuel pump to a methanol compatiable, and injectors to methanol rated injectors and FPR to a methanol regulator.

Methanol is extremely corosive so it eats up lines and rubber seals and regulators etc so you need special stuff to run it. Its also half as dense as Gasoline is so you must burn twice as much of it for the same effect even tho it's like 140 octane. It has half the BTU's of Gasoline. You need to double up your injectors for a Methanol car. Typically to make say 1000hp on Methanol like the Titan Supra's etc.. you need 12 (two sets) of 1600cc injectors for a 6 cyl (2 per cylinder) where our cars probablly run on one set (6) of 230cc injectors. Basically you could never run Methanol on our cars. Ethanol is sort of the same scenario however I'm not that familiar with it's properties as I have never ran an Ethanol only car there's no point. It's full Alcohol for racing or nothing.
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Old 04-29-2006, 05:31 AM   #5
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My experience with the low gas mileage has been with my other two cars (Honda/Jeep) running mainly 89 octane ethanol blends. Ethanol is a little cheaper here that regular gas, I have always heard that the the incremental loss of fuel milage made up for the cost savings at the pump. They do have E85 (85% Ethanol) coming out, made to run in E85 modified vehicles.
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Old 04-29-2006, 07:51 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by IowaS
My experience with the low gas mileage has been with my other two cars (Honda/Jeep) running mainly 89 octane ethanol blends. Ethanol is a little cheaper here that regular gas, I have always heard that the the incremental loss of fuel milage made up for the cost savings at the pump. They do have E85 (85% Ethanol) coming out, made to run in E85 modified vehicles.


Ethanol has a lower Calorific Value than Gasoline, meaning that it contains less energy, about 10% less. Since there is less work available in a gallon of ethanol as compared to a gallon of gasoline, your car travels fewer miles on it, so your MPG drops...

Happy Motoring!... Jim'99
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Old 04-29-2006, 08:13 AM   #7
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Thanks to Congress for the new Ethanol mandate, the current shortage of Ethanol, the tariff on IMPORTED Ethanol, and the current spike in gas prices.

And Congress has the nerve to call the oil companies to Wash to testify.

They should just set up a mirror and talk to themselves.

Oh, did I mention, this is a political thread????????????

Rich Belloff

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Old 04-29-2006, 10:20 AM   #8
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The oil companies have known for YEARS that they were mandated to switch away from MTBE to Ethanol though. I have no sympathy for them, even though I'm no lover of politics.
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Old 04-29-2006, 10:47 AM   #9
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Good for Iowa and other corn states

Keep using Ethanol it is good for my home state, about the shortage...there is a new ethanol plant being built everyday it seems. People are raising millions of dollars in a few days (mainly from farmers turned "investors"). If you have 25k you too could jump in...
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Old 04-29-2006, 10:49 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by eslai
The oil companies have known for YEARS that they were mandated to switch away from MTBE to Ethanol though. I have no sympathy for them, even though I'm no lover of politics.
I did not ask for your sympathy for the oil companies. And, they don't grow corn, the farmers do. It is THEY who lobbied for the ethanol mandate and it is they who lobbied against lowering the tariffs on imported ethanol.

It is YOU AND I who pay for this rigged gig, not Congress.
Rich Belloff

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Old 04-29-2006, 11:05 AM   #11
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Brucelee is right

Brucelee is right on the money. Farmers and seed companies (I work for one) are the ones to "blame". My opinion is obviously skewed a bit...
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Old 04-29-2006, 11:49 AM   #12
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I don't have an issue with the farmers per se. Congress passes the laws, then they pass the buck. If the Ethanol production is not there, why mandate it or why not extend the MBTE liability waiver. Or, why not reduce ethanol tarriffs.

Or, why not license nuclear power plants,

And on, and on, and on!

No wonder their approval rating is 22%.

Who are these 22% who feel Congress is doing a good job???????????

Who is pissed?

If I ran my business the way Congress runs the US, well, I would have no business.

Rich Belloff

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Old 04-29-2006, 03:44 PM   #13
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the other thing about ethanol is that it is a complete joke...depending on who you ask it has about a negative 33% engergy balance..ino..it takes more energy to produce ethanol than it provides...it's pro's are it is "renewable" and emissions...
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Old 04-29-2006, 03:54 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by IowaS
the other thing about ethanol is that it is a complete joke...depending on who you ask it has about a negative 33% engergy balance..ino..it takes more energy to produce ethanol than it provides...it's pro's are it is "renewable" and emissions...
The US energy policy as developed by Congress is just more piggies at the trough.

Face it, Congress has no clue nor care about what happens to us. There focus is every 2 or 6 yrs, they need to get re-elected.

Pass the beer nuts.
Rich Belloff

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Old 04-29-2006, 04:20 PM   #15
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Quote:On a side note, Top fuel is not Ethanol (corn) it's Methanol (Alcohol).

Actually, Top Fuel is Nitromethane (92%(?) this year) and Methanol.

But on the Ethanol thing, we've had that crap gas here in CA for a long time now (EPA b.s.) and besides the corrosiveness, it's been causing a lot of deposits(all makes) to the point of needing to do a carbon flush. I think it's the 993 owners who were having a lot of problems as it would cause a CE light and carbon flushes and new o2 sensors weren't fixing it so valve jobs were the only cure.

Last edited by chrisg; 04-29-2006 at 04:23 PM.
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Old 04-29-2006, 04:21 PM   #16
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I toally agree with Bruce on these views. Congress has become an Exclusive Club with their primary concern being to insure their own re-election.

The ONLY solution to this Madness, without exception, is to Vote out the Encumbant. Vote for the Challenger, no matter who they may be. Put an end to this practice of making a Career at the Public Trough and return to the ideal of Citizen Statesmen.

If this is done through several election cycles, Special Interest Groups, Lobbyists and Corporate Contributions will Dry-Up as their money will cease to have any influence, they will no longer be able to Woo and Groom Freshman Senators and Congressmen for what average to be decades on the Hill for them to do their bidding, instead of that of the Electorate.

And, before anyone posts the arguement about seasoned policians, take a good look, could a Senate or House full of Rookies do any worse?

If this policy was followed, these people wishing to be in the Senate or the House will quickly re-learn for whom they are actually working - US!

Happy Motoring!... Jim'99

Last edited by MNBoxster; 04-30-2006 at 09:12 AM.
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Old 04-29-2006, 05:28 PM   #17
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"And, before anyone posts the arguement about seasoned policians, take a look, could a Senate or House full of Rookies do any worse?"

Boy, you are SO RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rich Belloff

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Old 04-29-2006, 07:02 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by eslai
The oil companies have known for YEARS that they were mandated to switch away from MTBE to Ethanol though. I have no sympathy for them, even though I'm no lover of politics.
....BUT, the previously mandated MTBE additive was to be phased out later because of the environmental concerns, not right now. The production of Ethanol was being stepped up to create a greater supply for the changeover that was to come.

Unfortunately, the oil companies were being sued by environmental groups for using the Congressionally mandated MTBE. The oil companies asked for immunity from the suits since it was Congress who required them to use MTBE and Congress, in its' infinite wisdom, said they would not provide immunity. Without immunity from lawsuits caused by Congress' stupidity, the oil companies had to avoid the costs of the lawsuits so they stopped using MTBE now, before the supply of ethanol had been increased.

Low Supply + High Demand = Higher Price.

Simple economics, which only a hand full of Senators and Representatives actually understand (along with probably about 20% of Americans thanks to the great education we have....thanks again to Congress).
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Old 04-29-2006, 07:43 PM   #19
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"Simple economics, which only a hand full of Senators and Representatives actually understand (along with probably about 20% of Americans thanks to the great education we have....thanks again to Congress)"

I think Congress understands Supply and Demand all to well. They would like you to think they are trying hard to help us out, but you and I know better.

Rich Belloff

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