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Old 10-02-2014, 11:27 AM   #1
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First ticket

Finally, after driving it for 3 years. 30mph zone. I'm doing 30-35. A block before my turn guy in front of me makes a right turn. I slow down, I'm in second and after he completes his turn, I jump on the throttle for half a block before braking to make my turn. Cop pulls me over right in front of my house and writes me up for 50 in a 30. First ticket in the P-car and first ticket overall since 1998.

He told me he had a quota to meet. Jerk.

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Old 10-02-2014, 11:37 AM   #2
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Sorry to hear this. Especially if he admitted that he had a quota!

I talked my way out of an 80mph in a 65mph ticket yesterday morning with the CHP. The cop and I had quite "the conversation", maybe I'll write it up and post it on the Forum.
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Old 10-02-2014, 11:47 AM   #3
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Quota = tax

Sorry to hear about the ticket. You were going 50 in a 30 but he could have let you off with a warning especially since you have a clean driving record.
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Old 10-02-2014, 01:09 PM   #4
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If I can make it to the end of this mo, it will be 25 yrs since I've had a speeding ticket.

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Old 10-02-2014, 01:28 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by thstone View Post
Sorry to hear this. Especially if he admitted that he had a quota!

I talked my way out of an 80mph in a 65mph ticket yesterday morning with the CHP. The cop and I had quite "the conversation", maybe I'll write it up and post it on the Forum.
I'd be very interested in that conversation. Good job.
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Old 10-02-2014, 01:34 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by CoBeerToad View Post
Finally, after driving it for 3 years. 30mph zone. I'm doing 30-35. A block before my turn guy in front of me makes a right turn. I slow down, I'm in second and after he completes his turn, I jump on the throttle for half a block before braking to make my turn. Cop pulls me over right in front of my house and writes me up for 50 in a 30. First ticket in the P-car and first ticket overall since 1998.

He told me he had a quota to meet. Jerk.
You're speeding, and the cop's the jerk? Your neighbors must just love you.

I bet you don't have children, either.

I bet you won't be doing 50 in your neighborhood anymore.

Don't you have quotas at work? They call them goals in the business world. No different, really.

Last edited by Flavor 987S; 10-02-2014 at 01:36 PM.
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Old 10-02-2014, 01:42 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by Flavor 987S View Post
You're speeding, and the cop's the jerk? Your neighbors must just love you.

I bet you don't have children, either.

I bet you won't be doing 50 in your neighborhood anymore.

Don't you have quotas at work? They call them goals in the business world. No different, really.

Yeah we all might jump on the gas going on the freeway or on ramps, but hitting it and doing 50 in a residential neighborhood where children can dart out in front of you on their bikes with no notice is just plain stupid.
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Old 10-02-2014, 01:48 PM   #8
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I have lost count at the number of times I've been pulled over. I got a radar detector they went down almost nothing. Except when non-speeding type stuff is used as a rationale (laregely BS). But I have zero tickets on my record for 20 years, maybe longer, because I fight the ticket in court every single time. Never plead guilty that's just asking to get double-tapped. First by state DMV once the points hit, and then by your insurance aching for an excuse to jack up your rate.
So I go to the traffic court, the prosecutor says "I'll trade you one failure to show license or no seat belt with a $200 fine and you get no points. Deal?"

I gave this advice to a colleague. For some ridiculous reason his spouse tells him to plead guilty because he "deserved it for speeding all the darn time" (we was dong 90 in a 65). Then two weeks later like clock work he received a $700 surcharge from the state and the insurance company is sure to follow because anything over 80 gets 6 points.
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Old 10-02-2014, 01:49 PM   #9
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Oh, and this same "jerk" cop will be one of the first responders when the armed burglar has your wife at gun point.
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Old 10-02-2014, 07:35 PM   #10
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Lol, I love reading the "I got a ticket" threads. Makes me laugh since I wrote them for over 10 years. By the way, to the OP... Quotas are illegal, if the officer said that about his quota and he was miked, that would get a ticket dismissed in my state. However, "minimum standards" are perfectly acceptible and encouraged to be at least maintained. Also, 20 over in a residential deserves a citation, even if it gets dismissed, the inconvenience of spending the day in court is always worth the trouble.
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Old 10-02-2014, 07:52 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by Flavor 987S View Post
Oh, and this same "jerk" cop will be one of the first responders when the armed burglar has your wife at gun point.
Because every burglar has a gun and wants to shoot your wife?
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Old 10-03-2014, 03:39 AM   #12
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I hope this wasn't a post to get solidarity.
It's going to be expensive
20 over in a 30 sounds like you were trying to bounce off the rev limiter
40 in a 30 now you might get warning or alternative no point ticket and some support
50 in a residential 30 Hell if you didn't get a ticket I'd be upset the police weren't doing their job
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Old 10-03-2014, 05:53 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by Timco View Post
Because every burglar has a gun and wants to shoot your wife?
Only the hypothetical ones.

All my neighbors know if they ever see my car speeding through the neighborhood, that they need to call 911 ASAP. Because it's been stolen. Be respectful. Don't be the dick in the sports car.
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Old 10-03-2014, 07:13 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by kk2002s View Post
I hope this wasn't a post to get solidarity.
It's going to be expensive
20 over in a 30 sounds like you were trying to bounce off the rev limiter
40 in a 30 now you might get warning or alternative no point ticket and some support
50 in a residential 30 Hell if you didn't get a ticket I'd be upset the police weren't doing their job
some residential areas have very busy roads going through them. There's one just like that I pass every morning. It's very dangerous for pedestrians trying to cross but there's no traffic light because the town for whatever reasons can't/don't want to put up a light. So I see smokey hanging out there picking people off from a parking lot. The signage really isn't that visible to let motorists know that its a 25.

I also pass this one road in another town near here that is very busy, and wide, and the limit goes from 35 down to like 20 when most are still doing 45. There seems to be no reason for this reduction. Point is sometimes it looks worse than it is.
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Old 10-03-2014, 08:00 AM   #15
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For starters quotas are illegal. Now he may have said that because he felt you deserved a ticket but wanted to make it seem like it wasn't his decision. Some guys do this because they dont want to get yelled at. Me personally if you earned a ticket (and people really earn them through their attitudes sometimes) then I want you to know I had a choice and you earned what you got. Im guessing you probably did not have a poor attitude because youre a porsche owner and porsche owners dont have poor attitudes

Now certain things aggravate the situation. Perhaps the chief has been getting complaints about speeders through your neighborhood and sticks this guy there to quell the fire. He stops a guy in a Porsche and lo and behold its your neighborhood. If I stop a guy cruising in a nice car with little regard for the speed limit (read:flying and driving like a jag) Im probably not going to give him a warning because a warning may not prevent the behavior next time. Radar detectors also mean automatic tickets.

That said I cant tell you for sure why you got a ticket because I wasn't there and im not that cop. Porsche owners get a little sympathy from me because I have one, but I've also never stopped one because one never presented that opportunity. I can tell you that 20 over on the interstate will get you a ticket. 20 over in a residential area and you probably bought and paid for it. Do the deferral program and avoid the points hit and try to slow down next time.
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Old 10-03-2014, 08:23 AM   #16
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Just a thought, if anyone of us were in a parking lot at the Mall and a guy drove thru at 20 mph over the limit, we would all be pissed and yelling at the guy to slow down. Driving 20mph over the speed limit in a neighborhood is reckless in my book. OP should be glad the cop didn't add a driving in an unsafe manner or something to that effect. "Stupid is as dumb are"
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Old 10-03-2014, 08:27 AM   #17
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First ticket

I never, ever, speed in a neighborhood as there are children out on bikes and such all over. However, if there happens to be a 300 yard driveway entrence and I was stopped and told the road was residential I would be more concerned.

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Old 10-03-2014, 08:32 AM   #18
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Wow, this thread opened the can of "vile and anger" worms. I've never ever been pulled over much less given a ticket. However we all know there are some cops that are just itching to give tickets, for whatever reason. And those that will give you a pass. I guess living in VA makes one a little extra paranoid due to our extremely strict laws when it comes to speeding.
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Old 10-03-2014, 08:37 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by jdraupp View Post
... Radar detectors also mean automatic tickets.
Hit the brakes.... What??? Were you referring only to drivers that were driving WELL ABOVE the flow of traffic?
Unless you're in a state that bans them they are 1000% LEGAL.

A motorist has every right to know when he is being watched.
In fact I wish they sold N SA detectors so I would hook up all my phones to them. And it may surprise but I don't object to being surveilled from either a patrolman or big brother. Both have a job to do and all my friends are cops state and federal. I just want to know when I'm being eye-balled. Why? Because the speed limit is set well below the average speed of traffic nearly every where I travel no matter the jurisdiction. The local police can pop whomever they wish, which in itself creates some "interesting" looking court rooms when I go in to fight a ticket, it looks as subtle as a brick wall when you first enter.

I use a detector and 99.9% of the time everyone else in SUVs and sedans are blowing past me. And although I'm still traveling 5-10 over the limit, it still doesn't make me imune from getting singled out because of whatever opinions that a cop may carry about fancy car drivers. Put it this way I used to drive a lot faster in my Miata than I do in this Porsche and in the same amount of time I was only pulled over a fraction of the times in the Miata vs. the Porsche. In these parts driving a Porsche gets you unsolicitied "police escort" on your tail a lot more often than any previous car I ever had.
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Last edited by Perfectlap; 10-03-2014 at 08:46 AM.
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Old 10-03-2014, 09:06 AM   #20
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Put it this way I used to drive a lot faster in my Miata than I do in this Porsche and in the same amount of time I was only pulled over a fraction of the times in the Miata vs. the Porsche. In these parts driving a Porsche gets you unsolicitied "police escort" on your tail a lot more often than any previous car I ever had.
It is enough of a penalty that you are having to be seen driving a Miata apparently. The cops recognize shame and don't want to pile on.

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