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Old 06-28-2014, 03:04 PM   #21
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it was painted 6 months ago, 5k miles on the clutch, previous owner bought it from a Porsche mechanic. seats are iffy but im going out to see it tomorrow. problem is he has a ton of people going out to look at it.

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Old 06-28-2014, 04:34 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by holtzy822 View Post
it was painted 6 months ago, 5k miles on the clutch, previous owner bought it from a Porsche mechanic. seats are iffy but im going out to see it tomorrow. problem is he has a ton of people going out to look at it.
Offer him more, it's worth that, and most cars have bad seats at 100k so that's no biggie haha
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Old 06-28-2014, 06:44 PM   #23
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Wow, a male of 17 years old, I hope Daddy is paying for insurance, I can't even imagine what that premium looks like.

Have fun but do yourself a favor, don't drive it like you stole it.
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Old 06-28-2014, 08:41 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by Slate 01 View Post
Wow, a male of 17 years old, I hope Daddy is paying for insurance, I can't even imagine what that premium looks like.

Have fun but do yourself a favor, don't drive it like you stole it.
If its a base especially a 2.5 it wont be terrible
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Old 06-28-2014, 09:20 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by Slate 01 View Post
Wow, a male of 17 years old, I hope Daddy is paying for insurance, I can't even imagine what that premium looks like.

Have fun but do yourself a favor, don't drive it like you stole it.
this is my second porsche. Insurance on this is actually cheaper than the 944. And I pay for my own insurance, its $90 a month
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Old 06-28-2014, 09:32 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by PorscheBound View Post
If its a base especially a 2.5 it wont be terrible
My new S is 1 dollar cheaper for some reason haha, as said before, it isnt terrible. I have friends with expeditions and such that all pay much higher rates.
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Old 06-28-2014, 10:06 PM   #27
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That's because you can cause more damage with a SUV Ahaha kids+big vehicles= smashed city light poles
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Old 07-06-2014, 02:35 PM   #28
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Well I bid you all farewell. People in california have no concept of market value so everything is usually ~2k over priced. Even saw a boxster that had no interior trim, missing the spoiler, no front driver side brake. missing the underbody covers, broken top, no stereo, neither of the mirrors or windows worked. The only good thing about it was that the clutch was new and the paint was 6 months old.... the price he wanted: 4500 FIRM. It easily needed 2.5k in parts.
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Old 07-06-2014, 04:44 PM   #29
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I looked on auto trader and flew to LA and drove it back. Tons of Boxsters in LA. Bought in Orange County. I'm from Antioch and searched the Bay Area. Same results you are having.
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Old 07-06-2014, 05:15 PM   #30
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Holzy you may have read about my troubles with my 2001 Boxster base(code P1341).
Things can go south with the Boxster in a hurry and your pilot's licence is most important.

You need reliable transportation and if you can fix it yourself you can save a ton of $$$$. I can say most of the three years I have owned mine it has been good until I got the CEL light. Be patient and you may find a good one. Of course a PPI is a must.

I can remember the junky cars that I used to buy when I was young. Now I am older I am much more cautious - PPI's or I buy new.
Cheers, Guy
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Old 07-08-2014, 07:03 AM   #31
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I know this particular vehicle is a long way from you but plane tickets and a road trip would make a great life experience. This looks like a fairly clean car at a decent price.

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Old 07-08-2014, 07:27 AM   #32
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In this day and age of cheap airfare, the internet to find trusted and reputable mechanics to perform PPI, and just about anything else you would need to make a wise car purchase I see no reason not to travel out of state. Like anything in business, you must go to the deal if you want to pay below market. Place want adds on the Porsche forums, there are many, and speak with Porsche mechanics in different cities to see if they can help in locating a car that they know well.
That Dallas car Bruce H posted is a prime example of a deal worth travelling for. I would let him know that I would pay the asking the price on the condition of a clean pre purchase inspection and put it in writing before heading down.
That way he knows you're serious and won't try to make some low-ball offer cash in hand.

And yes it's true, many guys in the big CA markets think their cars are not mass produced and there is a terrible shortage of water-cooled Boxsters and Carreras. I don't know who put this in their heads.
But it's also where you're most likely to find a car that has been driven year round (a good thing) in mild weather and not extreme heat and cold (a bad thing). However, there's a limit to how much that advantage is worth paying up for.

A 2.5 Boxster is a great car for stripping down weight and adding lightweight parts. There's a decent chunk of weight that can be trimmed on what is already one of the lightest water-cooled Porsches.
But I don't think this would be a low cost endeavor, even if the person did all the wrenching you're still looking at a few grand for the aftermarket wheels,exhaust, brakes, headers, and expected maintenance you'll find on any 15 year old Porsche.
But the performance, feedback, low COG/mid engine handling, and easy maintenance (for a Porsche) that you'd get in a modified ~2,600 lb 2.5 Boxster is pretty tough to duplicate in another car, Porsche or otherwise.

However, at 17 I wasn't really looking to put $10K-$20K into a car yet. In fact my first two cars combined didn't cost $7K. I didn't spend over $10K on a car until I was many years out of college and had a fairly significant pile of investments relative to guys that age. Most had all their money in their cars, bikes and other toys. But if you can score a deal like the car Bruce H posted that's another matter. That way ownership and upgrade costs have significant wiggle room.
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Old 07-08-2014, 07:44 AM   #33
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Originally Posted by BruceH View Post
I know this particular vehicle is a long way from you but plane tickets and a road trip would make a great life experience. This looks like a fairly clean car at a decent price.
Noticed this ad a few days ago. Seller seems to have quite a large chip on his shoulder.

"NO joy rides......serious buyers ONLY and be ready to show proof of funds.... You will need to pay your tax, title, license, and registration when purchasing I WILL NOT HAND YOU TITLE until all is paid and transfer completed."

So let me get this straight. I can't drive the car before buying, I have to show you my bank book, and then I have to pay the taxes, title and registration fees on a car that I cannot show proof of ownership?

Shyeah, right. And I got a bridge in Brooklyn you may be interested in buying.

Just sayin'..........


p.s. you cannot register a car in Texas without a title.
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Old 07-08-2014, 07:46 AM   #34
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Sounds like he has been burned before, but yes, a bit extreme.
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Old 07-08-2014, 07:56 AM   #35
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^ many good deals come from ball busters. That's why he has to lower the price, too many buyers want five star hotel service where "the customer is always right" for a simple used car purchase. And at this price point, you're going to get a lot of immature kids or older guys who don't have their act together. Actually this exactly the type of seller I want, the kind who discourages buyers from coming over to kick the tires. He doesn't realize it, but he's simply making it easier for me to beat others to the punch. The guy who sold me my first car was the exact same way, "this car is cherry (it was), I will not accept a lower offer, what time are you coming?". When I arrived at his place the car was 10 for 10 on all counts, unlike 99.9% of all the other cars being sold at that price point. You're buying a car not looking for a new facebook buddy.

I would ask to at least see the the title beforehand. That's basic stuff. Hopefully it's not a jilted spouse trying to fire sale the car.
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Old 07-08-2014, 08:47 AM   #36
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If I can't drive it, I'm not buying it.

And there's NO WAY I'm handing over cash without a clear title in return.

Just sayin'..............

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Old 07-08-2014, 09:06 AM   #37
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I think the guy meant that you have to show the cash before you're getting in the car.
And if you'll need the title to register the car then he'll obviously have to budge on handing over the title once he's been paid. At any rate if he balks at a PPI then there's nothing left to discuss, find another Boxster.
You have to be nuts to buy a car that old without having an expert take a look at it. Otherwise consider it a $3K roller, a Porsche without a sound engine is worth less than my expensive road bicycle.
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Old 07-14-2014, 05:12 PM   #38
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still havent found anything but still looking. In august ill have my private pilots license so looking out of state will be come that much easier. Just need a buddy to fly my airplane back hehe
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Old 10-18-2014, 10:28 AM   #39
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SO.... heres a run down of the last 2 months. Airplane broke and had to get a new motor mount ($700) and I finally sold my car... for 500 less than what I wanted...

So where does that leave me in the hunt for a boxster? 3k. so pretty much not enough to get the wheels off a boxster. Being a highschool student whose pay is immediately put into an account to cover costs of an airplane (which I cant sell until june) leaves me in a pretty annoying situation. Without a car, and without enough money to buy the only car I sold mine to get.

Any thoughts?
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Old 10-18-2014, 01:07 PM   #40
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What you're saying doesn't make much sense. You "finally" sold your car? Why? I thought you said you sold your car long ago--before you lost the Boxster you wanted.

And you don't yet have your private but you own an airplane?

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