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holtzy822 06-27-2014 08:03 PM

new to the 986 world
Hey guys just wanted to introduce myself and give a little background. I'm 17 years old, I DD a 944 for the past year (with some major repairs of course, I did all the work myself) and I just upgraded to a 97 986.

I bought the 944 a year ago and did some repairs including camshaft repairs, belt tensions, rollers, but no head or cylinder work. For fun we stripped out some dead weight, put konis suspension on it, short shifter, new shift linkages and a few other bits and pieces. I decided that I would never be happy with the 944s lack of power and started looking for a 944 turbo. During the search I flew out to Florida to visit my grandparents and while there I had the opportunity to test drive a 06 Cayman S and loved every moment. I knew the 944 turbo would actually be faster with a few mods but I didn't care. I knew I wanted that platform. Reality then struck and told me I couldn't afford a $30,000 car at 16 years old (of course lol).

When we got back from Florida I started the search for a boxster and found nothing, I found a 944 turbo but could never see it due to the lack of cooperation from the owner. Fast forward a month and I have a buyer for my 944, luckily I was able to break even on it and a day later I found a 986 being sold for 5800. Needs some work but that's ok. I talked to the guy and after adding my own cash (my parents aren't paying for anything on this car) I found I had enough money.

Needless to say I now own a 97 986 with 116k miles. interior is pretty good just needs a new shift boot and the little mirror adjustment panel on the A pillar, The automatic top doesn't work because one of the arms snapped, I found it for $80. Unfortunatly I dont have any money to fix even these little things for 2 reasons.

1. Spent all my free cash on the car
2. Im extremely close to getting my private pilots license (Future career.) and a good 90% of my money is going to that...

so yeah thats my story...

Top_Ramen 06-27-2014 08:14 PM

Congrats on the new car and welcome to the forums. Seems like the car couldn't have found a better owner!:dance:

BIGJake111 06-27-2014 08:24 PM


Originally Posted by holtzy822 (Post 407674)
Hey guys just wanted to introduce myself and give a little background. I'm 17 years old, I DD a 944 for the past year (with some major repairs of course, I did all the work myself) and I just upgraded to a 97 986.


I was waiting to see you here, its jacob from instagram! Congrats! Your car reminds me alot of my old one, im gonna miss that car alot!

rdass623 06-27-2014 08:24 PM

welcome! and best of luck with your new endeavor. take your time and do your homework and you'll do fine with your new baby. this forum and others will prove to be a wonderful resource. once again welcome to the community..

RawleyD 06-27-2014 08:39 PM

Very nice , welcome to the club!

holtzy822 06-27-2014 08:41 PM

thanks all guys! Jacob I've been stalking the forums for a week or so now and I wasnt totally sure if it was you or not lol congrats again on the S!

Timco 06-27-2014 09:19 PM

Buy the 101 projects for your Boxster book and check Pelican for parts.

Congrats and welcome!


BruceH 06-28-2014 07:05 AM

Congrats and welcome to the forum! Always great to see young guys figure out they can drive a Porsche! I wish I had figured it out back then! Good luck on your future career, now is a good time to get into aviation. The majority of professional pilots will be retiring in the next 10-15 years so you are well positioned. I am one of those, about 12 years left!

holtzy822 06-28-2014 11:23 AM

never mind guess not. I was suposed to pick up the boxster next week (earliest time I could get) and the owner decided he was going to sell it out from under me AFTER I put a deposit! to top it all off there aren't any more boxsters in my area I can afford!

BruceH 06-28-2014 11:56 AM


Originally Posted by holtzy822 (Post 407748)
never mind guess not. I was suposed to pick up the boxster next week (earliest time I could get) and the owner decided he was going to sell it out from under me AFTER I put a deposit! to top it all off there aren't any more boxsters in my area I can afford!

Oh man, that really stinks:mad: Well, you will just have to keep a look out for a better one, there will be more.

holtzy822 06-28-2014 12:19 PM

thats the problem there isnt. Everything in my area is horribly over priced and everyone just drives automatic.

BruceH 06-28-2014 01:16 PM

Patience, you will find the right one. It took me months to find mine.

BIGJake111 06-28-2014 01:37 PM

Worst case scenario, winter prices are alot cheaper!

holtzy822 06-28-2014 01:43 PM

I need a car within a week, I already sold my 944! i might just end up getting a 944 turbo or... bmw 325 (EWWWWWW but avalible)

BruceH 06-28-2014 01:44 PM

Yep! And you are going to need some patience and perseverance for your aviation career. Good practice!

BIGJake111 06-28-2014 01:47 PM

Yeah worst case with a Boxster is impulse quick buying. Just don't buy anything you could loose money on in between now and then. I'd hate for you to spend a ton to upkeep a BMW than miss out on a boxster.

holtzy822 06-28-2014 02:09 PM

Yeah I just ruled out the bmw. Too much work on them. But I need a car so I can go to the airport and such. And everyone in California seems to think their cars are worth 2x what they actually are. Like 99 boxsters with 160k miles for 10k

BIGJake111 06-28-2014 02:30 PM

2001 Porsche Champaign silver Boxster

2.7 with a new ims here... a bit oddly cheap but it does have high miles... this cars probably worth 9 though which it could be a too good to be true thing.. if you can afford this car and a PPI I would suggest it! They are asking cash only so things are odd. Run a carfax for sure and get a ppi and this car is good to go.

holtzy822 06-28-2014 02:51 PM

1999 Porsche Boxster convertible good cond found this, Very high miles but its something i can afford. I texted him for pictures and I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE dark blue porsches.... the IMS concern is pretty much out of the question as it would have failed by then but the high miles kinda bothers me...

BIGJake111 06-28-2014 02:55 PM


Originally Posted by holtzy822 (Post 407787)
1999 Porsche Boxster convertible good cond found this, Very high miles but its something i can afford. I texted him for pictures and I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE dark blue porsches.... the IMS concern is pretty much out of the question as it would have failed by then but the high miles kinda bothers me...

Strangly cheap again, ive never seen one under 5.5.... but hey im sure its a sold car, alot of folks here run cars way over 200k.. just keep changing water pumps and AOSs as they fail every 70 to 100k and keep on truckin... Suspension rework and such is good to do higher mileage, Best of luck, I hope the car is in good shape!

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