As many of you know, my former baby - a green 2000 S - was mortally injured in a wreck back in November. She was my first p car and will always hold a special place in my heart. She also died protecting me and my wife - we were hit at 45 mph (while going 40 ourselves) in the front left of the car and yet neither of us had more than bruises. Anyway, it took two months, but the insurance company finally decided to total the car and I immdediately began my search for a replacement.
That search has led to a midnight blue 2003 S with 17K miles. It is Porsche certified and the the warranty began at the end of October 2003, which gives me a warranty 50K miles greater and just 3 months short of the one on a brand new car. Not a whole lot of features: litronics, hi-fi digital (but not bose), windstop, 18" wheels. I am looking forward to having a glove box, a glass rear window and 8 more ponies. I guess I will have to get used to having the digital speedo on the left dial instead of the middle (whose bright idea was that???) and I will miss my on-board computer, which was about the only extra my baby had. But those are minor quibbles and pale against getting back behind the wheel of the finest roadster on the face of the planet. (Btw, regarding another thread, I had a choice of a non certified 02 carrera cab for just a bit more money, but I never gave it more than a second of thought.)
The deal closes on Tuesday. Will post pics (and change my avatar pic) at that time.