Awhile back I had some doofus throw open his car door into my passenger side door, chipping out a very noticeable chunk of paint. It was irregularly shaped, bigger than the size of a pencil eraser, and down to the primer. I carefully sanded down the edges a bit, then layer by layer, filled the defect with touch-up paint, the real McCoy: Porsche seal gray. Actually over-filled it slightly, then sanded things down smooth. The color match, while not perfect, didn't seem too bad.
I then proceeded to layer on some clear coat, using some of the Dupli-Color clear that was layin' around the garage. This is where it got weird: After applying the clear coat, the touch-up paint seemed to mysteriously get much darker (see photo). Anybody else ever have this problem occur to them? I have no idea how to fix it, may just live with it. I've got some Dr ColorChip seal gray that actually matches better than this official Porsche stuff---thought about using some of it after sanding the current lesion back down, but I have no idea how much I'd need to take off. Any ideas welcome..