You need to make sure that the two main drains are free and clear of any debris.
Open the soft top half way and look at the very bottom of the plastic covering, just under the top mechanism's pivot point.
Those drains (one on either side) tend to collect leaves, pine needles and all sorts of debris.
Put a garden hose with a nozzle against the opening and flush. This should clear it completely.
Remove the seat(s) and dry the carpets out.
If you get moisture into the CLU (Central Locking Unit - black box under the seat) you'll need to dry it off before it damages the circuit board. If there is humidity there take the circuit board out and dunk it in isopropyl alcohol which dissipates water. After an hour, shake it off and let it completely air dry. Reinstall
Happy Boxstering,
Originally Posted by kd986
Hi I am a new 986 owner, and so far have been very happy but I went out last night in the rain to find out it kept steaming up. I have traced this to behind the pasanger seat (uk rhd) the carpet is wet. I am guessing this is a new problem with my car as there is no evidence of standing water or rust there from before.. Is there a drain off from the roof that is possibly blocked?
In anticipation