Like my cars ( 4 German) I've always had a thing about Euro bikes, generally Italian. Something about the engineering and the history. Sound familiar? Replaced my Bianchi/Chorus last year with a Wilier Cento 1/Record. Incredible bike. For the $, it should be as I could have bought a good used Box' for the same price

. My wife still gives me crap about it. You only live once I say, and if this keeps me alive and fit, I say the tradeoff is well worth it
The new generation of carbon framesets ( even those made in the Far East) are all very good to excellent. Somehow, they seem to do the impossible; create stiff, very lightweight, yet comfortable and compliant rides. Great for both flying up hills and hours of long-distance touring. And they're a lot more durable than the Gen 1 or Gen 2 carbon frames. Less expensive too overall.
I just wish I had more time to ride. With work, other hobbies (cars, plus other , the family, etc.) I just never have enough time to ride. At best I can get on the road 2-3 days/week with another day of indoor spinning. And that's only for 6 months. The other six we're usually buried under the white stuff.
I used to take regular, annual week long touring trips out West with a few cycling touring companies (Rockies, Cascades, Cali coastal range routes). Tough, but great fun. Also did a 10 day ride in the Scottish Highlands. Beautiful country , but it rained like a b**ch the whole time.
I gotta get to Italy and ride before I go.....