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Old 03-22-2012, 08:28 PM   #1
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Temperature Gauge Blinking + Coolant Overflow Spray


Hope everyone is well. Just picked up a gorgeous 2002 Porsche Boxster S, super low miles, and have issues to sort out before enjoying her. It's been bothering me dearly. I hope you guys can help me. I've done some research, but would love a confirmation.

I've been having moisture over-spray in the coolant area in the trunk. I read many threads, and saw that the caps were faulty. Currently have a cap with a ending in 447.01. I assume this is one of the older model caps? What's the latest cap that keeps pressure, and also doesn't allow overflow?

Today, right in the morning, I noticed that my temperature was higher than usual, above the 180 area. After some driving, and a lot of stop and go traffic, the Temperature Gauge blinker came on, and so did the "Check Coolant Level"

I've taken some pictures, to show today's events. I added some distilled water to the coolant, but noticed the gauge temperature is still above the 180 area which is bothering me.

1. Driving Home (At Night, "Check Coolant Level" Came On + Temp Gauge Warning)

2. Arrived Home - Added Distilled water to Coolant Area. Turned on the car to see where the overflow was coming from. The coolant rises and falls off from the pouring area.

3. Anything look out of place to you gentleman?

4. After letting some of the coolant overflow from the cap, it drained out below the car.

5. Put the cap on tight, but noticed while the car parked inside the garage, the temp gauge was above 180 area. Didn't like that a lot.

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Last edited by Kianfar; 03-22-2012 at 08:31 PM.
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Old 03-23-2012, 03:34 AM   #2
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That is where my temp stays. My guess is 195. The coolant leak and warning lights may be from a bad refill. These cars are a pita to flush, you may have an air pocket that is causing the spray and low coolant light.

Others will chime in that have more experience.Goodluck
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Old 03-23-2012, 03:47 AM   #3
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1) temp gauge seems to be in the normal area. what made you think it shouldn't get above 180?
2) coolant level looks a little high in your picture. i don't know when it was taken - cool or hot. but when cool it shouldn't be that high
3) probably need a new cap
4) probably have an air bubble in there
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Old 03-23-2012, 03:54 AM   #4
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190-195 is normal.
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Old 03-23-2012, 03:57 AM   #5
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HOT car, Lucky you

All normal beside the steam. Change the release valve o-ring first and see. Cap would be next. Go Porsche pink coolant 50/50 with distilled water and hit the traffic buddy
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Old 03-23-2012, 04:12 AM   #6
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I'm pretty sure the latest coolant cap ends with a .04
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Old 03-23-2012, 05:57 AM   #7
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For the past week that I've driven this car, the temp stays at the 180 area, which is pretty much seems to be the exact center. Saw it at the 190's ish level and thought perhaps it was higher than the center, and something may have been wrong.

Does anyone know the part number for the cap? I called the dealership, and he tells me it's $80. Seems too much for a small little blue cap. Any online places you guys order your Porsche parts.

When I open the cap (The blue one), it has a nice suction sound to it. Could that be like having air in the system? It has a nice hiss, and I have to slow open it, until all the pressure is out.
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Old 03-23-2012, 06:51 AM   #8
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pelican has it for $28 + shipping
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Old 03-23-2012, 08:28 AM   #9
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your symptoms sound very similar to what I experienced a few months ago. I had the updated cap; my issue turned out to be the pressure relief valve. I replaced it and have had no problems since then.
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Old 03-23-2012, 09:08 AM   #10
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I would listen to these guys who have had the same experience as yours. Do what they tell you first. Cap and relief valve, cheap start. Flush and replace coolant next step. Also, you could have a water pump issue which is not totally uncommon for the plastic impeller to fracture. My 01S 3.2 liter runs around 185 and in the hot summer up to 195. Pelican Parts or Sun Coast.

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Old 03-23-2012, 10:24 AM   #11
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i will also add that shortly after getting my new cap back when, i removed it for some reason or another. put it back on and went on down the road. then i smelled the coolant. opened the trunk and had the coolant in the same place as you. turns out i put the cap on wrong so even though it was "tight" it was not threaded correctly. i quickly learned to check it before assuming it's right.
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Old 03-23-2012, 12:57 PM   #12
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+1. You're temp. looks the same as where mine runs. I had the same "mist" in my trunk area a year or two ago. Replaced it with the newest rad. cap from sun coast. Problem solved. $20 for the cap btw. Also check the relief valve. The coolant that you added in the pic. looks a little high. Wait until the car completely cools down to add. Someone more knowledgeable will chime in, but I think I read somewhere about driving around with the relief valve open for a few days to clear any air pockets???? Once again, someone who knows more could explain.
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Old 03-23-2012, 04:46 PM   #13
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So today made two purchases at the Dealership.

1. The new updated version of Coolant cap ending in .04
2. Filter for an oil change.

I put the cap on, and have noticed some difference. The coolant plastic is really hard to read. I can't really tell where the actual coolant is, I've been going back and forth on the measurement. I added some bottled water into it, and brought it up to the above the minimum level. I have the orange red coolant in there along with the water.

Upon driving the car, I put in around 40-50miles on her today, noticed the condensation has improved, but it's not 100% gone, which is frustrating as I was hoping that the cap did the trick, given it was 30 dollars for a piece of plastic.

Tomorrow I have an appointment for an oil change, I'll tell the guy doing the work about the coolant area and see what he says. Then I'll be back for more reporting. Looks like the next leve after the cap as many mentioned is the Relief Vulvae.

BTW - Every time I open the coolant cap, there is a lot of pressure build up as if you are opening a "Pepsi" or bottle of "coke". Is that normal?
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Old 03-24-2012, 01:53 AM   #14
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it's normal if the coolant / engine is warm when you open the cap. pressure builds up. it shouldn't be too hard to tell where the coolant level is just look at the "window", shine a light into the tank will make it easier to see where the level is. if you're checking when it's hot / warm it'll be up near the "MAX" line. when you're done with the drive, check the relief valve position. after a hard drive, mine is in the up position. as it cools down it closes.

also listen to the tank after it's up to normal temp. mine sounded like someone blowing through a straw - means there's a hole in the tank (or air is getting into the system).
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Old 03-24-2012, 03:22 AM   #15
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I also find it hard to see the coolant level in bright sunlight, even with a flashlight, so I use a long fishing float (with string attached just in case!). Works very well, got the idea from my BMW which has the fishing float built into the coolant header tank.
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Old 03-24-2012, 03:21 PM   #16
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1. Got an oil change done today
2. On the Relief Pressure, there is a little silver hand, you bring that up to 90 degree position, it gets some of the air and bubbles out. The tech did that for me.
3. We topped it off with Porsche Coolant
4. I added the new cap
5. So far it has been ok! I was told, some moisture is fine and to check frequently.
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Old 03-24-2012, 06:34 PM   #17
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I found that it is very difficult to get the cap tight enough by hand to seal well. It seems that the rubber seal causes some friction as it starts to seat and makes it difficult to turn.

I was having similar symptoms, and I lubricated the rubber seal with soapy water, which allowed the cap to turn another 30 - 40 degrees of rotation, and sealed everything up fine with no more mist / condensation on the trunk lid, and no leaks.

Good luck.

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Old 06-07-2012, 08:22 AM   #18
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Hi There.

I have had exactly the same issues with my car as Kianfar has mentioned, apart from the coolant light is not coming on and also I have noticed the water stays cool even after the engine has been running a while. the engine then starts to overheat.
I have it booked in for a water pump change next week. wonder if it could be same probelm I have and not a water pump! Is your motor still running ok a couple of months later??


Last edited by Greta; 06-07-2012 at 08:30 AM.
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Old 06-07-2012, 09:51 AM   #19
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Is there any concern with the colour of your coolant? Looks very intermix brown to me.

It may just be my screen..
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Old 06-08-2012, 09:00 PM   #20
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This has helped so far.

1. Buy the Cap
2. Full system Flush
3. New Porsche Coolant

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