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Old 07-14-2011, 05:00 PM   #1
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Advice Needed on Buying a Boxster HELP PLEASE

Hi Friends,

I have been an avid porsche nut for over 20 years and it has been a dream to own a porsche. I am in love with the Boxster and am considering a very clean one owner 1999 with all records and 60K miles. After reading these forums i am scared out of my mind to buy the car due to the potential of engine failure and/or high cost of maintenence. I understand parts are expensive but some folks are spending 3000-5000K for a single repair such as ignition, convertible top etc. The engine issues alone could mean that i may have to just junk the car. I am now very confused and torn. I dont mind dropping the occasional 1000-1500 on an repair, but anything over 2K seems way too high? Maybe I am way too poor to own one. I currently have a Lexus IS350 and have previously owned several Mercedes and Bimmers without a warranty, but i have never had to deal with 3K-5K repair bills. My other options are the Z4 or SC430, but i REALLY want the Boxster. Can you experts advice me please? Perhaps reading too many threads on crazy repairs and breakdowns has made me paranoid.

Much appreciated

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Old 07-14-2011, 05:52 PM   #2
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Can you afford a newer CPO car? Sounds like you really want one but don't want to worry about bad repairs. Do you have enough money to buy one with a litter higher mileage to reduce cost and then get things pre-fixed so that you will not lose sleep?

I bought mine last fall with 51k miles and got all the records, the cost of ownership was very inexpensive since the car was a good one. If the guy had done any of his own work it would have been incredibly cheap to own. Some folks end up spending a lot to maintain many others don't.

Make your choice one that gives you peace of mind. Looking at your previous cars it's obvious you like fine cars...sounds like it is time for a Porsche!

Oh...and Welcome!!
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Old 07-14-2011, 07:24 PM   #3
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Thumbs up ppi ppi ppi ppi

i am a new boxster owner i suggest and insist that no matter where you get the car and regardless of mileage get a pre purchase inspection! from what i have leaned 99 a few problems .i got a 02 high mileage S 15000 within 3 months replaced front wheel bearings cluthc cv joints 1motor mount lower traking arm 3800 bucks. all wear items no problem now remember these cars are 10 years old parts wear out i think an alder car with less milage not a good buy. seals dry etc... i know all my motors run better when used boat motorcycle chain saws etc.. from what i understandand am now learning porsche cars love to be driven hard long no short trips look i paid more for my 2500 silverado than the black box try to buy black silver white if looking for classic porsche buy the boxter s definitly GET A PPI!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they are extremly reliable easy and fun to care for find a good mechanic buy him lunch establish a relationship then buy the car guaranteed to give big smiles every ride. also have someone who owns a p car drive yours before you buy the person will know which traits go along with the car i e rattles ticks handling etc... good luck buy the car i p.s. did i mention PP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Old 07-14-2011, 08:08 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by viperfish
Hi Friends,

I have been an avid porsche nut for over 20 years and it has been a dream to own a porsche. I am in love with the Boxster and am considering a very clean one owner 1999 with all records and 60K miles. After reading these forums i am scared out of my mind to buy the car due to the potential of engine failure and/or high cost of maintenence. I understand parts are expensive but some folks are spending 3000-5000K for a single repair such as ignition, convertible top etc. The engine issues alone could mean that i may have to just junk the car. I am now very confused and torn. I dont mind dropping the occasional 1000-1500 on an repair, but anything over 2K seems way too high? Maybe I am way too poor to own one. I currently have a Lexus IS350 and have previously owned several Mercedes and Bimmers without a warranty, but i have never had to deal with 3K-5K repair bills. My other options are the Z4 or SC430, but i REALLY want the Boxster. Can you experts advice me please? Perhaps reading too many threads on crazy repairs and breakdowns has made me paranoid.

Much appreciated
You're going to get alot of advice, but trust me, I'm the only one with the right answer.

A PPI is a must, but it will only catch a car that's been neglected or has some obvious issues. The things you're worried about won't turn up in the inspection.

If you have that much concern about repairs, don't buy this car. You will never be able to enjoy it if you have a fear of using it in the back of your mind. From your two other choices, you seem to really be looking for a sporty convertible more than a sports car. So on two levels, you will not be satisfied with a Boxster. My best advice to you is to get the Lexus and enjoy it for thousands of trouble free miles.

As Mr. Spock so wisely once said, "you may find that having is not so pleasing a thing, after all, as wanting." I think this very much applies to Porsches.

Last edited by blue2000s; 07-14-2011 at 10:35 PM.
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Old 07-15-2011, 05:29 AM   #5
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Wanting A Porsche

Welcome aboard ! It's good that you're asking all the right questions now, than after..
i can only speak about my experience owning my first Boxster... and more or less what applies to shopping for a newer used car, would also apply in your own research.
As people would all recommend PPI/PPI/PPI, but that you do ,only after it has passed your own inspection, visual (leaks and obvious signs of neglect) or mechanical ,accident ,test drive,history,options, color, etc.. i understand you've had a few quality automobiles, you must have a good feel of eliminating the bad ones.
in my case i test drove about 6 or 8 Boxsters starting from model year 2000 S , a couple of 2003' S, and i just fell in love with it and really took my time to learn more about them.
If you are worried about expensive repairs, i would not consider a Boxster older than a 2003S, aside from desirable improvements ( rear glass/glove compartment/h.p etc) to name a few.. The money you think you would save buying an older one, might end up costing you more and a lot of buyer remorse..
I ended up finding my 04S at Intersport Auto in Tyson's Corner in Dec 2007,while visiting my sister in VA. and coincidentally meeting a family friend ,the Sales Mgr (Kiko Cordero) who suggested i take it for a PPI if i so wish to, but after my test drive, put it up on the lift, inspected for signs of damage, leak or abuse etc..with one year left on the factory warranty, i trusted my instincts and went for it.. NO PPI !
Be careful with PPI's done, if you are present and can see what they do, checking for redlines, RMS/IMs issues etc.. it's fine, otherwise PPI is no guarantee, you still have to use your own judgment.. I may have been lucky....

And let me tell you, i have never been so completely satisfied with this purchase, and till this day, do my own maintenance, brake fluid replaced/ oil changes (once a year no matter what mileage) a set of new PS2's and just detailing, this 04S is in like new condition..
Save up for it and buy the latest model yr/lower mileage you can afford and just enjoy the experience.. you won't regret it..... good luck !
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Old 07-15-2011, 06:11 AM   #6
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I bought a 99 /Boxster two years ago. Over that two yearsI've spent a grand or so on catching up on the previously neglected maintenance program. I've also spent a bucket of cash on upgrades and improvements, but that was totally discretionary and irrelevant to this discussion. Except for a punctured clutch line, I have not had an actual mechanical failure or CEL to date, so I would have to call this car highly reliable. In fact, I don't think I have ever owned a car this long without some kind of mechanical failure.

These cars are very easy for joe average to work on, and don't cost much to repair if you do your own work and source your parts carefully. The 99 has a dual row IMS bearing, so that should give you some comfort.

You should also keep in mind that forums like this one can give a distorted view of a car's reliability as it is mostly the people that are having problems that post. You rarely hear from the thousands of happy owners that never experience a major problem.

When it comes to sheer driving pleasure, this car has few equals. My advice would be to buy it, enjoy it, learn as much as you can about its mechanical systems, and don't lose sleep over what might go wrong because there's a really good chance you won't have any major issues. Even if you only keep the car a short time, at least you can say you owned a Porsche during your lifetime, which is better than saying that you wish you did when you had the chance. One more thing checked off the bucket list.
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Old 07-15-2011, 06:37 AM   #7
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Just Do It

I'm about 3 weeks into my Porsche ownership experience (2001 Boxster S). Spent the month before I picked it up worrying about IMS issues and the various other horror stories Ive read here and other forums.

I knew the car before I bought it, knew the owners well, drove it locally where I bought it for a few days without incident and just drove it 2500 miles home with a buddy of mine. 3 days, no sputters, blue smoke, rattles or hums, got about 27mpg on the highways, hit 126 in West Texas before I backed off (the car was begging for more) and the water temp needle rested nicely above the 180 mark the whole time even in the desert heat.

Prepare yourself for the reality that unpleasant things will happen with a 10+ year old car, but proper planning will help you deal with it when it comes. In the meantime, you will be driving the most satisfying and pleasure inducing automobile out there. Take the plunge....well worth it.
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Old 07-15-2011, 06:51 AM   #8
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lol SC430
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Old 07-15-2011, 07:28 AM   #9
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Go to Mike Focke site, he has some good info to help you.


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Red Special Leather Interior/Red Floor Mats/Red Hand Painted Instrument Dials/Roll Bar/Windstop
Small Carbon Package/Leather Wrap Carbon Wheel/Center Console Exterior Color/Alum Carbon Shift Knob
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Old 07-15-2011, 07:30 AM   #10
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In terms of maintenance, you should always have $2,000 in reserve. Tires will run $600-$1,000. Clutch will run $1,500 and will go out at the worst possible moment. Brakes $500. Engine CEL (MAF or O2 sensors) $300-$800.

And yes, you are likely to need to do about half of above list of items (or equiv) in the first 24 months of ownership of a 10-yr old car.

You'll have to make up your own mind on the IMS issue.

With all of that being said, if you decide to get a Boxster, you will be one of the happiest persons on earth.
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Old 07-15-2011, 09:14 AM   #11
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But if you got a thorough PPI

You'd know about the condition of most of those items and the O2 sensors are only ~$240 a pair.

I owned 2 Boxsters over 6 years, each bought at about the 6 year old mark, each as the third owner.

I spent around $0 on my first one (totaled it).

My second I spent:
$1500 in normal maintenance I knew it needed when I bought it because of a PPI and the price I paid for the car reflected that cost (alignment, brakes, 60k service).
$75 to replace 4 tires/wheels (yes, that is right, I bought used Michelin Ribs from a dealer as take-offs and sold mine as used...lucky)
$500 in repairs (2 sensors, seat belt/airbag light)
$1050 in tires (due to age, not wear out)

I don't count normal oil change and the like maintenance.

So while I agree that you should always have a reserve cushion, owning a Boxster can be a very economical experience too.
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Old 07-15-2011, 03:35 PM   #12
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Smile ppi ppi ppi ppi

the reason i say ppi is because i bought my o2 from brumos porsche in jacksonville fl, i did my reasearch on this sight before purchase everyone says ppi.i thought that a purchase from brumos was a good move. i told the salesman if i bought a car anywhere else i would bring it here for a ppi what do i need to do? you wont see us for another year we did a 111 point inspection spent 3500 hundred on tires brakes saftey inspection resurface cam covers. well they bit me for 3800 within 70 days and thats helping me with the costs of wear items, also remember i stumbled upon the car first time buyer get a ppi use it for price negotiation. dont relish in wishing for a car if you want a porsche buy one maybe not that one but one.id rather be afraid of a car breaking than drive something i dont like' also the fear goes away fast. there is also a point of overthinking............ its a car not the space shuttle
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Old 07-15-2011, 04:37 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by viperfish
Hi Friends,

I have been an avid porsche nut for over 20 years and it has been a dream to own a porsche. I am in love with the Boxster and am considering a very clean one owner 1999 with all records and 60K miles. After reading these forums i am scared out of my mind to buy the car due to the potential of engine failure and/or high cost of maintenence. I understand parts are expensive but some folks are spending 3000-5000K for a single repair such as ignition, convertible top etc. The engine issues alone could mean that i may have to just junk the car. I am now very confused and torn. I dont mind dropping the occasional 1000-1500 on an repair, but anything over 2K seems way too high? Maybe I am way too poor to own one. I currently have a Lexus IS350 and have previously owned several Mercedes and Bimmers without a warranty, but i have never had to deal with 3K-5K repair bills. My other options are the Z4 or SC430, but i REALLY want the Boxster. Can you experts advice me please? Perhaps reading too many threads on crazy repairs and breakdowns has made me paranoid.

Much appreciated
You have to ask yourself this simple question… Do you want to be like one of us?? Fanatics about Porsches, to constantly think about your car every minute of the day (well every other minute), to wash your beauty every weekend and wax it every other weekend, to take it on joy rides every chance you get, to constantly look for ways of improving vehicle performance while increasing its longevity, to experience the ultimate driving machine any time you want , to have inner conflict trying to decide to drive with the top up or the top down, to talk about Porsches to all your friend until they are sick and tired of it then you go online to read and post messages about Porsches, to have everyone look at your car while driving the streets, to have conversations with the Highway Patrol like “was I really going that fast?”, the desire to clean your motor because you know there is dust on it, to clean your radiators because you know there is a bug on one of them, to read posts that have AOS, DTC, RMS, MAF, DME, PSM, ABS, LED, ECM, PCM, and IMS and know exactly what people are referring to. Do you really want to be like one of us?

300K Mile Club
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Old 07-15-2011, 05:24 PM   #14
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how true

been reading alot for 6 months JAGER summed it up the best about to purchase speed humps wife wonders what they do i say look good then a find someone on here tha t says they help with wind deflection any excuse will do its 25 for decent pizza 1 for water 50 for a movie 100 for golf i think if you put it in perspective its not that expesive wifes purse 425 hair 125 clothes ???????? shoes??????????
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Old 07-16-2011, 07:15 AM   #15
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Stickies are your friends !

Thinking of buying a Boxster ? - MUST READ !
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Old 07-16-2011, 07:44 AM   #16
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When it comes to a Porsche, lust always wins out over common sense.....So go for it!!

IMHO though, buy a newer one. 2004 is a good year.
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Old 07-16-2011, 02:32 PM   #17
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When I bought my 2000S, I knew what needed to be done after driving and looking the car over. A one owner in pristine condition and a PCA decal on the window sold me. Didn't have time for a PPI, other buyers lining up to buy. I have spent a bout $1500, new tires, new rotors and pads, brake flush, 60 miles service plus the TIP. I did everything but the tires.

Check her out: http://s768.photobucket.com/albums/xx325/OldHippieYoungHeart/Boxster%20S/

Old Hippie Young Heart
2000 S/3.2 Liter/Tiptronic/Boxster S Sport Package/Cruise Control/Slate Grey Metallic
Red Special Leather Interior/Red Floor Mats/Red Hand Painted Instrument Dials/Roll Bar/Windstop
Small Carbon Package/Leather Wrap Carbon Wheel/Center Console Exterior Color/Alum Carbon Shift Knob
AM/FM Radio w/CD Player & Changer/Digital Sound Package/18" Turbo Wheels/Wheel Caps w/Colored Crest

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Old 07-16-2011, 10:34 PM   #18
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As most of the posters in this thread have said, one of the best ways to make Porsche ownership more affordable is to do the maintanence and repairs yourself.

Browse through the Pelican Parts tutorials and you'll see how easy this is: (http://www.pelicanparts.com/boxster/boxster_tech.htm).
1999 996 C2 - sold - bought back - sold for more
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Old 07-18-2011, 03:39 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by nicecar
been reading alot for 6 months JAGER summed it up the best about to purchase speed humps wife wonders what they do i say look good then a find someone on here tha t says they help with wind deflection any excuse will do its 25 for decent pizza 1 for water 50 for a movie 100 for golf i think if you put it in perspective its not that expesive wifes purse 425 hair 125 clothes ???????? shoes??????????
Idk where your getting your speed humps from, but there was someone here in jax that's selling them on craigslist FYI if your still here in jax.
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Old 07-18-2011, 09:23 PM   #20
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Talking Punctuation is your friend

wow this is the hardest thread i ever read in a long time all of the sentences look just like this one and i had to read them six times for the sake of all who want to read them please take the time to make them readable the workd will be a better place thanks BTW it was really hard to type this way


2001 S Speed Yellow, matching interior, German Plates!!
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