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Old 07-14-2011, 07:24 PM   #3
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Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: florida
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Thumbs up ppi ppi ppi ppi

i am a new boxster owner i suggest and insist that no matter where you get the car and regardless of mileage get a pre purchase inspection! from what i have leaned 99 a few problems .i got a 02 high mileage S 15000 within 3 months replaced front wheel bearings cluthc cv joints 1motor mount lower traking arm 3800 bucks. all wear items no problem now remember these cars are 10 years old parts wear out i think an alder car with less milage not a good buy. seals dry etc... i know all my motors run better when used boat motorcycle chain saws etc.. from what i understandand am now learning porsche cars love to be driven hard long no short trips look i paid more for my 2500 silverado than the black box try to buy black silver white if looking for classic porsche buy the boxter s definitly GET A PPI!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they are extremly reliable easy and fun to care for find a good mechanic buy him lunch establish a relationship then buy the car guaranteed to give big smiles every ride. also have someone who owns a p car drive yours before you buy the person will know which traits go along with the car i e rattles ticks handling etc... good luck buy the car i p.s. did i mention PP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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