I have a 2000 s with 52,000 miles. About 200 miles ago the light came on. The car was running and idling well and the gas mileage was good. I checked the code and it read P1128 O2S Ran 9e 2 cyl 1-3. I assume this meant and O2 sensor on the odd cylinder bank.
Since the car was running well, I cleared the code and it came back the other day after about 200 plus miles. I cleaned the MAF and it has not come back on in the last 50 miles. I assume it will come back again.
My question is: Which sensor should I replace? I would like to replace all 4, but we are talking $500 plus for the parts. Any suggestions as how to figure out which one is bad? Does the code give an indication of which one?
Thanks for any help anyone can give.