Yes I meant the 12th instead of the 19th, brain fart!
Do you want the PDF file for the new CLIE?
Ok, question on the Xscale, Intel promised us all this extra performance when we made the jump to 400mhz Xscales vs. 206mhz Strong ARMs, but so far in Pocket PC devices there is little difference.
As I understand it, it is because PocketPC is based on Win CE 3.0 and it isn't optimized for Xscale, but that Intel and Microsoft put some patches into PocketPC 2002 to tide users over and give them "some" performance increase, although there have been a lot of complaints about chopping media playback on some forums, something that PocketPC 2002 was supposed to be "patced" for XScale to improve performance.
What's the hold up on performance and when will it get better?
I also saw where XScale can scale down battery usage to extend battery life, but if you look at that new Clie, 5 hours of NON-Backlight usage is HORRIBLE battery life for a PDA, and it runs on Xscale. My own experience with XSCale PocketPC's is that battery life is about the same as on StrongARM, so again, where's the improvement?
Yes the 12th, change everything to 12!