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04-20-2007, 08:55 AM
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Originally Posted by Rob-00BoxsterS
Come on, Jim, get in the Game!
Engage, Maveric, engage.....
Naw, this voyeur thing is kinda fun...
Happy Motoring!... Jim'99
04-20-2007, 01:34 PM
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Over the years there have been numerous international studies on illiteracy, all showing the same trend for the U.S. -- "Is our children learning?"
Currently, about 120 million adults in the U.S. are illiterate or read no better than at a fifth-grade level -- lacking the skills to handle many everyday tasks and read printed material such as credit cards, bus schedules, prescription labels and popcorn instructions.
If by simply acknowledging this fact is equal to calling someone's mother fat (as Mr. Z alluded to), well then, so be it -- your mother is a fat pig, (she probably ate too much popcorn ;^)
-- peer
04-20-2007, 03:21 PM
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My knowledge on this topic is limited. Certainly, the inability to read and write with some level of competence is a problem indeed.
Because I am so skeptical of governments in action, I wonder, just wonder, if the compulsory education monopoly that has been given to the local government units across the United States has anything to do with this outcome?
I would posit that is has.
I attended catholic school for the first 9 years of my life. When I moved to a public high school, I was just about ready to graduate from that school.
It was alas, a 3 year vacation of sorts (no advance placment classes and the like).
I was NOT better off for it!
Just one man's opinion.
Rich Belloff
04-20-2007, 04:47 PM
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Originally Posted by Peer
Currently, about 120 million adults in the U.S. are illiterate or read no better than at a fifth-grade level -- lacking the skills to handle many everyday tasks and read printed material such as credit cards, bus schedules, prescription labels and popcorn instructions.
-- peer
Not quite sure where you got the 120M number, if you use these: for the USA for Norway
It shows a 99% number versus a 100% for Norway, like any stat I am sure we could debate the accuracy, but I really don't care. I think that it great that all 4.6 million people in Norway over 15 can read, which makes me wonder why you came here to get an education if it is so inferior.
'81 911 SC ROW = The Money Pit
'02 Boxster S = Daily Driver
04-20-2007, 08:38 PM
Comes on guys! Stop picking on this guy. He is from Norway. We should all feel sorry for him instead. Imagine if you had to be from Norway?
04-20-2007, 08:44 PM
Take a look at the picture below.
Is this person:
1) Gay.
2) Closet Homosexual.
3) Gay Student.
4) Gay Student who thinks he has great grammer.
04-20-2007, 09:31 PM
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you have made me really laugh.....I give kracker props....and sd987 props, now seriously made me laugh
04-20-2007, 09:39 PM
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Thanks . . .
I was going to say the same thing myself . . . But then I thought for a sec . . . . ..
and then remembered that all of my family is 2gn Americans from Norway.
But it does make you wonder why all the norefruits fled to the west coast state with their freedom bags, jump up on a"striped" Boxster and take silly photos with no shoes on an spill a good glass of milk Call it Art and then take their subsidized Advance College classes that their own idiocracy government can not managed to create or lure qualified staff to operated a University locally.
We should count our lucky stars that special person decided to use some of his valuable time to educate us about how uneducated we really are
Oh an when will those car training videos hit the stores!
and about the poll . . . My peve is about stupid polls, who really cares what anyone thinks..... except when it might be Jim, Tool Pants and Randall and you have a sick Box.
This is a Boxster forum right ??????
Originally Posted by cartagena
Comes on guys! Stop picking on this guy. He is from Norway. We should all feel sorry for him instead. Imagine if you had to be from Norway?
04-20-2007, 09:46 PM
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I think I need to go to costco to buy a big bag of popcorn and twizzlers...Im running out freaking rock! and you're the reason why I spill the popcorn..ahahahahahaha!
*when this thread is over, I don't know what to do next  oh wait a minute...were is that burn out thread
04-20-2007, 10:33 PM
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Originally Posted by Peer
Over the years there have been numerous international studies on illiteracy, all showing the same trend for the U.S. -- "Is our children learning?"...
....hmmm. i was reluctant to respond but shouldn't the question above be phrased ...
-'is our child learning?'
-or 'is my child learning?'
-or 'are our children learning?'
shouldn't the one pointing the ' i'm so literate' finger be able to use correct grammar?
c'mon let's get back to 986's.
drive it kool

pca member
04-21-2007, 02:23 AM
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7th Gear wrote:
> ....hmmm. i was reluctant to respond but shouldn't the question above be phrased ...
> -'is our child learning?'
Not according the President of the most powerful nation on earth:
-- peer
04-21-2007, 02:27 AM
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cartagena wrote:
> Is this person:
> 1) Gay.
> 2) Closet Homosexual.
> 3) Gay Student.
> 4) Gay Student who thinks he has great grammer.
Why is it that you "cartagena" would resort to such frivolous & libelous personal attacks while cowardly hiding behind a pseudonym? It can't possibly be because you are classy & manly, or a person who can stand up for himself -- so I assume it's because you struggle with some shortcomings.
It's okay, but if you talk smack I think you should also be able to say this face-to-face, or better yet, meet my GF and tell her, and then we'll see what kind of man you are. But then again, cowards like yourself, who hide behind fake screen-names, wouldn't likely take me up on that.
Jeez -- the insecurity of some people...
-- peer
04-21-2007, 08:35 AM
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Damn. Why do all the good posts happen at night when I don't have internet access? And I missed out on all the popcorn and Twizzlers!
I'm taking my illiterate public school buttocks over to the Roast 'Em thread and see if anything's happening there....
'06 Cayenne Turbo S, Beige Metallic/Tan
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04-21-2007, 10:50 AM
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Originally Posted by Peer
cartagena wrote:
> Is this person:
> 1) Gay.
> 2) Closet Homosexual.
> 3) Gay Student.
> 4) Gay Student who thinks he has great grammer.
Why is it that you "cartagena" would resort to such frivolous & libelous personal attacks while cowardly hiding behind a pseudonym? It can't possibly be because you are classy & manly, or a person who can stand up for himself -- so I assume it's because you struggle with some shortcomings.
It's okay, but if you talk smack I think you should also be able to say this face-to-face, or better yet, meet my GF and tell her, and then we'll see what kind of man you are. But then again, cowards like yourself, who hide behind fake screen-names, wouldn't likely take me up on that.
Jeez -- the insecurity of some people...
-- peer
Well, we have reached that line in the sand. When a topic degrades to the level of calling folks out, I tend to step in and close the thread.
I will give this thread a few more posts to take a right turn or I will shut it down.
Read, writing, treating folks with some level of courtesy, this is all related, no?
"Can't we all just get along?"
Rich Belloff
04-21-2007, 12:44 PM
I think you should close it before he sends his boyfriend to beat me up.
Originally Posted by Brucelee
Well, we have reached that line in the sand. When a topic degrades to the level of calling folks out, I tend to step in and close the thread.
I will give this thread a few more posts to take a right turn or I will shut it down.
Read, writing, treating folks with some level of courtesy, this is all related, no?
"Can't we all just get along?"
04-21-2007, 12:48 PM
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Why is it that you "cartagena" would resort to such frivolous & libelous personal attacks while cowardly hiding behind a pseudonym? It can't possibly be because you are classy & manly, or a person who can stand up for himself -- so I assume it's because you struggle with some shortcomings.
It's okay, but if you talk smack I think you should also be able to say this face-to-face, or better yet, meet my GF and tell her, and then we'll see what kind of man you are. But then again, cowards like yourself, who hide behind fake screen-names, wouldn't likely take me up on that.
so peer is amazed that cartagena would resort to these attacks, which he labels cowardly??? this from the man who posted attacks breaking his very own code of ethics....cartagena only "talked smack" to one mr peer degraded all of the Americans here, Porsche owning mind you, classifying us as lazy... oh, and his ethics and rules for insulting others are:
you should also be able to say this face-to-face
not cowards, who hide behind fake screen-names
next lesson for the student at school is......the double standard
so I'm with Bruce, quit acting a fool and you won't have to worry about people insulting you......
So let me tell you this, as I'm one of those "foreign guests" that you allude to -- I initially got bulged-eyed when I came to the US and discovered how badly you Americans handle your own language. Sure, back home we always heard about how crummy your educational system was, and were aware of Americans "lazy" mindset -- but had never expected it to be so prevalent. Come'on, how hard can it be to at least learn your own language?!
-- peer
04-21-2007, 03:07 PM
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To point to a nations' illiteracy level, along with repeating a prevalent notion about that very nation (as in "a 'lazy' mindset"), is not a personal attack. I hope that you, super66, can see the difference between this and the libelous personal attack by "cartagena".
To get back to my poll -- it's interesting to see that almost 75% of the voting forum members are in fact annoyed with the English level used on this forum. So maybe the mindset, at least on this forum, isn't all that "lazy" after all ;^)
-- peer
04-21-2007, 03:16 PM
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Perhaps. But some might consider your poll a "push poll" given that the choices slant predominantly towards a certain mind set..... I hardly would take the results as indicative of the state of the union....
'06 Cayenne Turbo S, Beige Metallic/Tan
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04-21-2007, 04:47 PM
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[QUOTE=Queer]To point to a nations' illiteracy level, along with repeating a prevalent notion about that very nation (as in "a 'lazy' mindset"), is not a personal attack. I hope that you, super66, can see the difference between this and the libelous personal attack by "cartagena".
To get back to my poll -- it's interesting to see that almost 75% of the voting forum members are in fact annoyed with the English level used on this forum. So maybe the mindset, at least on this forum, isn't all that "lazy" after all ;^) /QUOTE]
Repeating the untrue "notion" as a truth, while spouting numbers that have no basis in reality (120 million illiterate Americans) is the behavior that got you into trouble in the first place.
You equate people being irritated with internet shorthand with the erroneous personal belief that somehow Americans are illiterate. That's your own problem.
You come to the US, and harbor yourself in the academic world. It's evidently better here, or you would be back in your own country. Then you sit behind your keyboard and slam your host country. You may be able to read, but you have no manners. That's your mama's fault.
Or maybe that's a failing of the country you grew up in. Are you all jerks? I doubt it, I think it's just you.
Cartagena, what a great poll you posted a couple of items back. Funny stuff. I vote #2. I showed my wife, she laughed out loud, and said "#1, no doubt".
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04-21-2007, 05:49 PM
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Originally Posted by Queer
You equate people being irritated with internet shorthand with the erroneous personal belief that somehow Americans are illiterate. That's your own problem.
You come to the US, and harbor yourself in the academic world. It's evidently better here, or you would be back in your own country. Then you sit behind your keyboard and slam your host country. You may be able to read, but you have no manners. That's your mama's fault.
Peer, the # 1 country in the world is the USA....we didn't get there for being illiterate. We tell your country to jump and they ask "how high?" We basically own your country. In other words, don't mess with the US.
Last edited by Adam; 04-21-2007 at 06:07 PM.
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